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时间:2013-10-14 阅读次数:



钻井drilling 钻井方法drilling  method 顿钻钻井cable drilling

杆式顿钻rod  tool  drilling   绳式顿钻cable  tool  drilling

轻便钻井portable  drilling  直井straight  hole  深井deep  well

超深井super deep well   地热井geothermal  well

热采井thermal production  well  工程井engineering  rejection well

工程报废井abandoned  well  弃井abandoned  well

钻井设计well design  钻井质量drilling  quality

岩石的物理机械性质physical-mechanical  properties of rock

矿物的微硬度  micro-hardness  of  rook

肖氏岩石硬度  Shores  hardness 史氏岩石硬度  Shi's  hardness

矿物的弹性模量elastic  modulus  of  mineral

岩石的弹性模量elastic  modulus  of  rock

矿物的泊松比Poissons  ratio  mineral

岩石的泊松比Poissons  ratio  rock

矿物的切变模量shear  modulus  of  mineral

岩石的切变模量shear  modulus  of  rock

矿物和岩石的体积压缩模量bulk compressibility mineral  and  rock

岩石的体积压缩系数coefficient of bulk compressibility mineral  and  rock

岩石的抗拉伸强度tensile strength of rock

岩石的直接拉伸试验 direct tensile test of rock

岩石的巴西劈裂拉伸实验Brazilian test of rock

·岩石的筒形抗内压胀裂试验 burst test of hollow cyling by internal pressure

岩石的常规抗压缩强度 compressive strength of rock

岩石的抗剪切强度 shear strength of rock

岩石的抗剪切强度试验 shear test of rock

岩石的三轴强度试验 tri-axial test of rock

岩石的常规三轴试验 ordinary tri-axial test of rock

岩石的真三轴试验 true tri-axial test of rock

脆性岩石 brittle rock   塑性岩石plastic rock

岩石的假塑性破坏pseudo-plastic breakage of rock

岩石塑性系数coefficient of plasticity of rock

岩石的脆塑性转变压力(临界压力)brittle plastic transitional pressure of rock

岩石的库仑纳维尔强度准则Conlomb-Navier strength criterion of rock

岩石的内磨擦角和内磨擦系数angle of interal friction and coefficient of interal friction of rock

岩石的莫尔强度准则 Mohr strength criterion of rock

岩石的格里菲斯脆性破坏准则 Griffith criterion of brittle failure of rock

统计强度理论statistical strength theory

岩石的表面破碎surface fracture of rock

岩石的疲劳破碎fatigue fracture of rock

岩石的体积破碎volumetric fracture of rock

岩石的单位体积破碎pecific volumetric fracture work of rock

地应力in situ stress

岩层的水平测向应力horizontal stress of strata

测向系数coefficient of lateral pressure

围压confining pressure    有效应力effective stress

压持效应chip hold effect   岩石硬度减低剂rock hardness reducer

岩石的可钻性drill ability of rock  岩石的研磨性rock abrasiveness

钻具drilling tool   钻柱drill stem    复合钻柱combination string

满眼钻柱packed hole assembly 踏式钻铤组合tapered drill collar string

钟摆钻具pendulum assembly    偏重钻铤  unbalanced drill collar

钻柱弯曲buckling of drill string

钻具的扭转震动twisting vibration of drill string

钻杆疲劳破坏fatigue-failure of drill string  上紧矩 make-up torque

应力减轻槽stress-relief groove      减震器vibration dampener

稳定器stabilizer   井眼大扩器reamer   钻井液drilling fluids

水基钻井液water-base drilling fluids

淡水钻井液fresh-water drilling fluids

低固相钻井液low solids fluids

低固相不分散钻井液low solids non-dispersed polymer drilling fluids

抑制性钻井液inhibitive drilling fluids

盐水钻井液salt-water drilling fluids

饱和盐水钻井液saturated salt-water drilling fluids

钙处理钻井液calcium treated drilling fluids

钾盐钻井液potassium drilling fluids

混油钻井液oil-emulsion drilling fluids

生物聚合物钻井液biodegrability drilling fluids

油基钻井液oil base drilling fluids

反相乳化钻井液invert-emulsion drilling fluids

平衡活度钻井液balanced activity drilling fluids

泡沫钻井液foam drilling fluids        密闭液sealing fluids

完井液completion fluids              封隔夜packer fluids

解卡浸泡液stuck freeing spotting fluids

钻井液性能properties of drilling fluids

滤失filtration                  API滤失量API filtration

高温高压滤失量high temperature and high pressure filtration

动滤失量dynamic filtration   滤饼filter cake 含砂量sand content

钻井液固相含量solids content in drilling fluids

亚甲基兰实验methylene blue test

石灰含量lime content estimation

钻井液的酚酞碱度Pm alkalinity      滤液酚酞碱度Pt alkalinity

滤液甲基橙碱度Mf alkalinity        造浆率yield

破乳电压emulsion-breaking voltage

钻井液流变性drilling fluids rheology   漏斗粘度funnel viscosity

触变性thixotropic behavior           静切力gel strength

初切力initial gel strength            终切力10-minuto gel strength

剪切降粘特性shear-thinning behavior

钻井液受污染contamination of drilling fluids

粘土侵clay contamination          盐侵salt contamination

盐水侵salt water contamination      钙侵calcium contamination

砂侵sand contamination            水侵water contamination

气侵gas contamination             钻井液处理剂mud additives

降失水剂filtrate or reduction agents   增粘剂thickening agent

膨润土增效剂agents of increasing bentonite

降粘剂thinning agents               加重剂weighting agents

堵漏剂lost circulation materials   水敏性页岩water-sensitive shale

膨润土的预水化pre-hydrated bentonite     固相控制solid control

钻屑cutting      sand     silt    胶体颗粒colloidal solids

钻进drilling   钻进技术drilling technology

钻进技术参数drilling parameters         钻压weight on bit

悬重和钻重string suspending weight and drilling weight

转速rpm-revolution per minute          排量rate of flow

零轴向点zero axial stress point         中性点neutral point

开钻spud in     完钻finishing drilling    送钻bit feed

方余和方入kelly-up and kelly-in          进尺footage

机械钻速penetration rate   鳖钻bit bouncing    跳钻bit jumping

干钻drilling at circulation break       打倒车reverse rotation table

钻头泥包bit balling    划眼redressing     扩眼reamin1

放空drilling break    吊打easing the bit in   纠斜hole straightening

侧钻sidetracking     单根single         双根double

立根stand     接单根king a connection       起下钻trips

知起下钻short tripping         活动钻具move the drill string

上卸扣make up and break out     换钻头change bit

鼠洞rat hole     小鼠洞mouse hole    喷射钻井jet-bit drilling

射流jet flow    冲击射流impact jet flow  汽蚀射流·cavitation jet

射流扩散角和扩散系数spread angle and spread coefficient of jet

射流等速·patential core of jet  漫流cross flow  射流喷速jet velocity

射流速度降低系数decreasing coefficient of jet velocity

射流动压力dynamic pressure of jet flow

射流压力降低系数coefficient of jet-flow pressure drop

射流冲击力jet impact force    射流水功率jet hydraulic-power

喷射距离jet length           清洗井底bottom-hole cleaning

钻头压降bit pressure-drop    钻头水功率bit hydraulic horse-power

喷嘴nozzle         等变速喷嘴nozzle with iso-variable velocity

流线形喷嘴streamline nozzle  喷嘴流量系数nozzle orifico coefficient

钻井液循环系统drilling fluids circulating system

钻井液流态flow pattern    平板层流flat plate laminar flow

ZZ-value   喷射钻井的工作方式The working regime of jet drilling

最大钻头水功率工作方式The regime of the maximum bit hydra-ulic horse-power

最大射流冲击力方式the regime of the maximum jet-impact force

最大射流喷速工作方式The regime of the maximum jet velocity

经济水功率工作方式the regime of the economic hydraulic horse-power

jet bit                      喷射式钻头optimum rate of mud flow

最优喷嘴直径optimum nozzlo diameter

临界井深和极限井深critical well depth and limited well depth

钻井泵的工作状态the working regime of drilling pump

钻井泵的最大排工作状态(额定工作功率工作状态)the maximum flow rate regime of the drilling pump (the rated power regime of the drilling pump)

钻井泵的调节排量工作状态(允许压力工作状态)the regulated flow rate regime of the drilling pump(the rated power regime of the drilling pump)

携带岩屑cutting carrying    岩屑运移比cutting transport ratio

环空岩屑浓度solid concentration in annular space

钻井泵效率rate of utilized power of the drilling pump

钻井泵水功济利用率rate of utilized hydraulic power of the drilling pump

优化钻井技术optimum drilling technology  控制井control well

钻井可控参数controllable drilling variables

钻井不可控参数non controllable drilling variables

钻井目标函数(钻井泛函)objective function of drilling procedure

钻进过程的数学模型mathematical model for drilling procedure

钻速方程equation for drilling rate

二元钻速方程drilling rate equation in two variables

多元钻速方程multi-variable drilling rate equation

最大允许钻压maximum allowable weight on bit

最优钻压optimum weight on bit   钻速系数factor of penetration rate

地层研磨性系数factor of formation abrasiveness

牙齿磨损系数tooth wear coefficient

轴承工作系数working coefficient of bearing

五点法钻速试验“five spot” drill-off test

井下动力钻井hole bottom power drilling

涡轮钻井turbo-drilling  涡轮钻具turbo-drill  电动钻具electric drill

螺杆钻具positive displacement motor

涡轮工作特性characteristics of turbine

涡轮的水力载荷hydraulic load on turbo-drill

涡轮钻具井底工作特性hole-bottom working characteristics of turbo-drill

涡轮钻具最优工作区optimized working zone of turbo-drill

涡轮钻具合理转速optimum revolution of turbo-drill

涡轮钻具最优排量optimum capacity of turbo-drill

涡轮不稳定工作区unstable working range turbo-drill

有效钻压effective bit-weight

涡轮钻具井底功率传递系数transfer coefficient of bottom hole power of turbo-drill

涡轮钻具特性系数characteristic coefficient of turbo-drill

涡轮的水力效率hydraulic efficiency of turbo-drill

涡轮钻具合理钻进深度optimum drill depth of turbo-drill

涡轮-泵组联合特性combined characteristics of turbo-drill-pump

涡轮钻具轴向间隙的调节axial clearance regulation of turbo-drill

钻具滤清器drill pipe filter           启动阀starter gate valve

低速大扭矩涡轮钻具love-speed high-torque turbo-drill

复式涡轮钻具compound turbo-drill

定向井directional well 定向要素directional elements井斜角inclination方位角azimuth     井斜变化率rate of inclination change

方位变化率rate of azimuth change    井眼曲率hole curvature

垂深和测深vertical depth and measured  水平投影长度hole deviation

水平位移displacement or closure distance    多底井multi-bore well水平井horizontal well   丛式井cluster well or multiple wells       救除井relief well      双筒井dual wells

套管开窗starting window on casing  造斜 deflecting or building angle增斜increasing hole angle or build-up hole angle

降斜decreasing hole angle or build-off hole angle

稳斜  maintain angle

井身垂直投影图vertical projection of borehole

井身水平投影图 horizontal projection of borehole

正切法tangential method     平衡正切法balanced tangential method平均角法average angle method曲率半径法radius of curvature method圆弧法arc method        最小曲率法minimum curvature method

圆柱螺线法cylinder helix method  悬链线轨迹·catenary shape profile 控制圆柱control cylinder         造斜工具deflecting tool

槽式变向器whip-stock            短涡轮short turbo-drill

钻铤造斜短节short bent collar     涡轮偏心短节turbo-eccentric sub复式弯涡轮bent multi-turbo-drill

水力斜接头hydraulic bent sub Dyna-flex     瓦片变向器rebel tool 造斜工具面tool face      造斜率rate of over-all angle change

井眼方位漂移walk of hole     装置角tool of rotation

工具面角tool face azimuth    动力钻具反扭角reactive torque

定向方位角tool face bearing or tool face setting

磁偏角magnetic declination 随钻测量measurement while drill(MWD)单点测斜仪single shot instrument多点测斜仪multi-shot instrument  陀螺测斜仪gyroscopic instrument      定向orientation

定向下钻orientation while going in hole

磁力定向法magnetic orientation method

斜口管鞋定向法mule-shoe orientation method

取心coring 岩心core   岩心收获率recovery  of core

取心方法coring method

局部反循环取心coring with local inverse circulation

长筒取心core drilling with long core barrel

密闭取心sealing core drilling

保压取心core drilling with keeping formation pressure

定向取心orientation coring         绳索取心wire line coring

取心工具coring tools              岩心筒core barrel

单筒式岩心筒single type core barrel

双筒式岩心筒core barrel of double tube swivel type

内岩心筒inside core barrel         外岩心筒outside core barrel

喷射式岩心筒core barrel of jet type     取心钻头coring bit

牙轮取心钻头coring cone bit  金钢石取心钻头diamond coring bit

硬质合金取心钻头hard metal coring bit 涡轮取心钻头turbo-core bit

涡轮取心钻具turbo-core drill     岩心爪core gripper

卡瓦式岩心爪core gripper with slip

卡簧式岩心爪core gripper with slip-spring

板簧式岩心爪卡core gripper with slip-spider

箍式岩心爪core gripper with slip-collar

割取岩心core breaking

机械加压割心法core breaking by mechanical loading

投球割心core breaking by hydraulic pressure

投砂割心core breaking by pumping down

顶岩心core extracting

各种压力概念concept of pressure   静液压力hydrostatic pressure

钻井液压力drilling fluid column pressure

孔隙压力pore pressure (formation pressure)

上覆岩层压力overburden pressure   颗粒压力grain to grain pressure压力梯度pressure gradient   压力监控pressure detection and control异常压力及其形成abnormal pressure and it’s formation

压力异常abnormal pressure      压实作用compaction

欠压实imcompaction    不渗透围栅·permeabillity barrier

快速沉积rapid deposition构造型异常高压structural abnormal pressure地层压力检测方法method of formation pressure detection

地震资料法seismic data method机械钻速法penetration rate method

d指数法d-exponent method  dc指数法 dc-exponent method

标准化钻速法normalized penetration rate页岩密度法shale density

溢流观测法take a kick  天然气录井检测法gas logging

氯化物检测法chloride log     钻井液录井法drilling fluid log

返出钻井液温度检测法flow-line temperature

化石资料法paleo-information  地球物理检测法wire-line logs

中途测试drill-stem testing  完井测试well completing test

综合录井仪computerlized apply drilling technology

地层破裂压力formation fracture pressure

地层破裂压力预报方法formation fracture pressure prediction

漏失试验法leak-off test

胡伯特-威利斯法 Hubbert and Willis approach

马修斯-凯利法method of Matthews and Kelly

伊顿法method of Eaton      安德森法Anderson’s  method

艾克斯劳格法Exlog method      黄荣樽法Huang’s method

地层井眼系统的压力平衡balance of formation-borehole system

地层压力当量钻井液密度equivalent drilling fluid density

钻井液当量循环密度equivalent circulating  density

附加压力当量钻井液密度additional pressure equivalent density

当量深度equivalent depth    钻柱排代量drilling fluid displacement波动压力(激动压力)surge pressure   抽汲压力swabbing pressure气体上窜gas channeling

天然气偏差因子the coefficient of gas compressibility

溢流overflow  井涌kick    井喷well blowout

地下井喷underground blowout   井喷失控out of control for blowout循环池液体增量pit gain        压力过渡带pressure transition zone压井killing well  关井closing well   硬关井hard closing

软关井soft closing  压井方法killing well method

工程师法(等待加重量法)engineer’s method

司钻法(二次循环法)driller’s method

边加重边循环法concurrent method     空井压井empty well control置换式压井法(顶部压井法)displacement method

反循环inverse circulating     循环周circulating circle

节流循环circulating with choke

防喷设备和工具blowout prevention tools and equipments

防溢管 ·bellnipple    钻井液流量计drilling fluid flowing indicator

泵冲数计pump-stroke counter

钻井液液面指示器pit-volume indicator

真空除气器 ·vacum degasser     硫化氢监测仪H2s detector

井控模拟装置well control simulator

井喷失控的处理well blowout control   抢装井口installing wellhead扣装法抢装井口buckling-up-installing wellhead

翻转法抢装井口turning-up-installing wellhead

整体吊装法抢装井口whole hanging method for installing wellhead

带帽子压井法·hatting kill well method

下封隔器压井killing well with packer method

换井口套管casing replacing     灭火extinguishing

喷射水流灭火法jet fire extinguishing method

爆炸灭火法explosion method     灭火剂extinguisher

固井well cementing   套管程序casing program     导管conductor表层套管surface casing    技术套管intermediate casing strings

生产套管production casing    套管柱casing string

套管柱下部结构casing accessories   引鞋guiding shoe

套管鞋casing shoe  套管扶正器·centralizer   泥饼刷·wall scratcher浮籀float collar  套管承托环cement baffle collar 旋流短节vortex sub浮鞋cementing float collar   水泥伞cementing basket

注水泥胶塞cementing plugs   通径规drift diameter gauge

套管的外载荷outside casing load   套管内压力burst

套管外挤压力collapse pressure   套管轴向力axial load

套管强度casing strength   套管抗挤强度collapse resistance

套管抗拉强度tensile resistance  套管抗内压强度burst resistance

下套管running casing    活动套管moving casing

预应力preceding stress     人工井底artificial bottom of a well

磁性定位短节magnetic locator sub

固井工具与设备tools and equipments for running casing and cementing套管吊钳casing tong   套管吊卡casing elevator

卡盘casing spider    联顶节top connecting collar

水泥头connect head  水泥车connecting truck

井口装置wellhead equipment    注水泥?connect

油井水泥oil well connecting    低密度水泥light weight connect

膨润土水泥·bentonite connect    速凝水泥accelerated cement

膨胀水泥expansion cement     纤维质水泥fiber cement

树脂水泥(浆)resin cement     油基水泥(浆)diesel-oil cement

橡胶水泥(浆)latex cement    酸溶性水泥acid dissoluble cement

石膏水泥混合物·gypsam cement    火山灰水泥·pozzolan cement

抗盐水泥salt-resisting cement

双凝水泥浆separable setting cement slurry

冷井水泥和热井水泥ordinary and hot cement

API水泥分级API cement classification

水泥浆性能及其调节cement properties and adjustments of them

稠度仪consist-meter     水泥浆流动性mobility of slurry

水泥浆密度slurry density   水泥浆滤失量slurry filtration

出口温度井底温度和循环温度flow-line temperature bottom temperature and circulation temperature

水泥浆失重losing weight slurry     水泥石强度cement strength

水泥石渗透性permeability of set cement

水泥石的射孔性perforating quality   水泥浆外加剂cement additive速凝剂accelerator  缓凝剂retardant   减阻剂friction reducer

降密度剂light weight additive   降失水量filtrate reducer

水泥浆加重剂heavy weight additive  隔离液spacer fluid

前置液ahead fluid  尾随液tail fluid 注水泥方法cementing methods常规注水泥法typical primary cementing

双级注水泥法two stage cementing插入注水泥法inner pipe cementing多管注水泥法·multi-plezone completion cementing

打水泥塞cementing plug

平衡法打水泥塞balance method for cementing plug

倾筒法打水泥塞dump bailer method    挤水泥squeeze method

井口挤水泥法·braden head squeeze method

封隔器挤水泥法squeeze packer method

高压挤水泥法high-pressure squeeze method

低压挤水泥法low-pressure squeeze method

尾管固井drilling liner cementing   尾管悬挂器drilling liner hanger

窜槽cement channeling    完井方法completion methods

裸眼完井法open hole completion

先期裸眼完井法initial open hole completion

后期裸眼完井法final open hole completion

射孔完井法perforation completion

单管射孔完井法single pipe perforation completion

多管射孔完井法multiple pipe perforation completion

无油管完井法·tubingless completion

永久完井法permanent completion

无封隔器单层永久完井法single pipe permanent completion without packer

单封隔器永久完井法permanent completion with single packer

封隔器射孔完井法permanent completion with packer

负压射孔perforating with negative pressure

过油管射孔perforating through tubing

贯眼完成法perforated pipe completion

衬管完井法liner perforation completion

砾石充填完井法gravel packer completion

深井完井法deep hole completion

高含硫气井完井法high H2s gas well completion

地层损害程度formation damage degree

地层损害带formation damage zone

水动力学程度不完善井hydrodynamic degree incompleteness well

水动力学性质不完善井油井hydrodynamic property incompletion well完善系数well completeness factor   损害比damage ratio

趋肤效应shin effect  开采比production ratio

损害系数damage factor   完井系数completion factor

钻井设备drilling equipment  设备安装rig up

钻前工作preliminary work for spudding  井场布置layout

平井场levelling 圆井cellar    基础ground foundation base

活动基墩removable foundation   井架安装derrick installation

扒杆gin pole 井架安装绞车winch  穿钢丝绳string up

死绳固定器dead line anchor   设备校正alignment

井口找中center for well    整体搬迁skidding the rig

成组安装package installation   泥浆管汇mud pipeline

猫头绳cat-line 高悬猫头绳drill rope

大钳尾绳safety line  大门绷绳front guy(lines)

井架绷绳derrick guy  接链器chain spanner

钻井数据系统drilling data system

钻井数据采集装置drilling data acquisition

钻井数据实时处理装置drilling data processing

钻井数据库drilling data base    钻井信息drilling information

钻井参数传感装置drilling parameter sensing unit

指重表传感器weight sensor   进尺传感器drilling footage sensor

转盘扭矩传感器rotary table torque sensor

转盘转速传感器R.P.M sensor for rotary table

大钳扭矩传感器torque sensor for tong  泵速传感器pump rate sensor钻井液密度传感器drilling fluid weight sensor

钻井液液面传感器mud pit level sensor

钻井液流动传感器drilling fluid flow sensor

钻井液温度传感器drilling fluid temperature sensor

钻井液电导传感器drilling fluid conductivity sensor   录井logging

钻井液录井drilling fluid logging

岩样录井·lithologic logging    气测录井gas-logging

钻速录井penetration rata logging   综合录井compound logging

巡回检测cyclic detection    泵压表pressure gage

钻具事故drilling pipe and tools accident   顿钻drill string free fall

溜钻drill string not well braked       断钻具drilling pipe breaking

落鱼fish  落物junks  打捞作业fishing  打捞筒overshot

打捞杯fishing cup 反循环打捞篮junk basket with reverse circulation壁钩wall hook  铅印模lead stamp   一把抓catchall  铣鞋mill shoe钻杆外割刀external cutter  活动肘节knuckle

倒扣捞矛left hand fishing spear    弯钻杆bend drill pipe

尖钻头tip bit  卡钻drill pipe sticking   砂桥卡钻sand bridging

键槽卡钻key seating   压差卡钻differential sticking

地层膨胀卡钻formation swelling sticking

地层坍塌卡钻formation collapse sticking

钻头泥包卡钻balling-up sticking   卡点sticking point

解卡工具releasing tools   震击器bumper    下击器bumper jar

上击器top jar  地面下击器surface bumper jar   千斤顶jack

爆炸松扣break-outing pack of dynamite

测卡仪sticking-point-instrument    解卡方法releasing method

震击解卡法releasing stuck tamping

油浴解卡法releasing stuck by pump oil into the annuls

酸浴解卡法releasing stuck by acidding

割铣解卡法releasing stuck by cutting

套铣解卡法milling and breakout

爆炸解卡法explosion releasing method   跳槽·netch jumping

粘扣thread gluing 滑扣thread slipping   脱扣thread off

错扣thread alternating  对扣make-up   造扣thread making

顶天车crashing into the crown   磨蚀钻井abrasive cutting drill

弹丸钻井bullet-shot drill   电火花钻井electric spark drill

超声波钻井supersonic wave drill   火焰钻井flame-jet drill

电加热钻井electric heating drill   原子能钻井atomic energy drill

电弧钻井electric arc drill        等离子钻井plasma jet drill

电子束钻井electron-beam drill    激光钻井laser drill

化学腐蚀钻井chemical erosion drill

钻井技术经济指标tech-economic indication of drilling

开钻井口数spudding well number   完钻井口数drilled well number完成井口数completed well number    钻井进尺drilling footage

取心进尺coring footage

井身质量合格率well bore quality qualified ratio

油层固井合格率oil reservoir well quality qualified ratio

钻井工程报废drilling engineering abandonment

报废井段abandoned range

报废进尺abandoned footage

钻机利用率rate rig utilization

钻机台月rigs per unity month

建井周期台月construction cycle per unity month

纯钻井时间reciprocating time

钻机月速度monthly drilling rate

周期钻速periodic drilling rate

纯钻速rate of penetration

行程钻速drilling rate of a trip

建井周期construction cycle

完成井平均建井周期average construction of completed well

完成井平均井深average well depth of completed well

完成井平均进尺average bit drilling footage of completed well

钻井时效分析drilling prescription analysis

进尺工作时间footage working time

固井工作时间cementing working time

辅助工作时间service working time

事故损失时间accident losing time

修理时间repairing time

组织停工损失时间management down time loss

处理复杂情况时间problem handling time

生产时间率production per cent age

纯钻进时间率reciprocating time ratio

每钻机台月耗柴油量diesel consumption per rig-month

每钻机台月耗机油量oil consumption per rig-month

钻井工程成本cost of drilling engineering







These are various parameters displayed in the comprehensive mud

logging unit(CMLU).


How many parameters can be displayer in the CMLU?


These are the parameters printed in real time by printer.


Are the parameters printed in real time?


Many parameters in drilling engineering are monitored by comprehensive mud logging unit.


Start CMLU, please!


Some latest technologies have been applied in this comprehensive mud logging unit.


The total hydrocarbon ,especially the components C1C5can be analyzed by the chromatograph in the CMLU.


Are the total hydrocarbon and its components analyzed by chromatograph?


CO2 H2 can be analyzed by non-hydrocarbon detector.


There are some troubles in the sensor.


Water should be filled in the hydrogen generator on time.


Please replace a new one if the sensor can not bi repaired.


The old sensor is not reliable, please replace a new one.


The values of total gas and the components are not high.


The total hydrocarbon and its components are increasing.


How about thee total hydrocarbon and its components? May I have one copy of your record?


This is not an abnormal of gas logging display.


You should pay close attention to the gad showing.


This peak is caused by connection gas.


This peak is caused by swabbing.


We are testing the trip gas.


Please record the time when trip gas occurs.


Please calculate the height and speed of the trip gas rising.


Test the trip gas after two cycles of circulation with a trip to bottom.


Is it circulation now?


Please circulate for two cycles.


This is an interval with an abnormal showing.


5 bottles of the mud sample should be taken.


Please put the label on the sample bottle.


This is the design requirement.


Can you show me the design?


The technician keeps the design.


I am adjusting the instrument now.


Are you adjusting the instrument?


I am repairing the air compressor.


There are the peak values for standard sample I just injected.


Please inject the standard sample to check the instrument sensitivity.


I have just changed the scale range.


Have you change the range?


Change the range back.


The abnormal voltage occurred just now is caused by disturbance of

power network.


Please mark the wording of power network disturbance on the plot.


Are the plots being printed out?


Please look up the data sheet for total hydrocarbon values.


There is no problem in the electric degasser.


The electric degasser has been repaired.


The gas tube is blocked.


Have you checked the gas tube?


This is our tour sheet.


Please prepare the tour sheet completely.


The parameters are taken from hydraulic analysis.


We are compiling the logging information.


It is the density data of the shale.


I am analyzing the total degas.


I am taking mud sample.


It is the mud sample taken while the gas logging was abnormal.


The analysis of sample should be done time.


The total gas value rose from 0.02L to 0.03L as rate of penetration (ROP) got down to 2 min/m.


The pump stroke sensor is installed near the rotary shaft of mud pump.


The pump pressure declined slowly from 16 MPa at 3:20to 1.7 MPa at 5:35.


The pump speed is 90 strokes per min.


I think that the drilling tool is eroded, we’d better pull it out.


Screen display shows that the drilling string was not well braked just now.


It may be a kick ,because the volume and flow rate of drilling fluid in the pit increased.


Do you report to the drilling supervisor?


Ask them to check the BOP please.


A lost circulation may be occurred according to the parameters display.


This is the raw data of the logging, please keep it properly.


The raw data is very important for future check.


We test the lag time every 100 meters with calcium carbide dropping.


The lag time should be accurate so as to ensure cutting consistent with depth.


There are always tours of inspection arranged in each shift.


Some problems may be found by tour inspection.


The instrument needs 4 hours for warm-up after turning on.


Does the instrument need to be warmed up?


The minimum detection concentration of FID is 30 ppm.

(flammable ion detector)


I am making zero adjustment.


The performance of this hydrogen generator is excellent.


How about the performance of the hydrogen generator?


I am going to install a monitor for you.


You will know everything about work at any time from the monitor.


The hot wire is caused by overload.


The fuse here is blown.


The fuse has been replaced.


There is an electric leakage somewhere on the well site.


The power supply should be 380v±10%, 50Hz for the CMLU.


The adaptor of rotary torque sensor is subject to damage.


The electric degasser used is not a quantitative unit.


The degassing analysis should be done if there is some showing.


We test trip gas at every trip.


The reservoir situation can be mastered after testing trip gas.


It is the request of supervisor.


Please follow the request of supervisor.


The cutting should be washed to remove the mud.


The cutting should be dried.


The cutting should be described in detail.


It is job for technician to describe the core.


The design depth of the well is 3000 meter.


Do you know the design depth of the well?


The coal bed will be encountered at 2500 meter.


The Jurassic formation is drilled through.


For sampling ,it will be one package per 2 meters from 1000 to 2500m,one package per meter from 2500 meter to the bottom.


Attention should be paid to cuttings lag time.


Sample cuttings should be caught on time.


Can you tell me where the main interval with oil & gas showing is?


The main interval with oil &gas showing in the well is a tertiary formation.


Are you ready for spud in at 8:00 this evening?


It is the second spud now.


we have prepared all materials for mud logging, but the drilling have not been measured.


The drilling tool should be measured precisely.


Please measure drilling collar first, then drilling pipe.


The well depth is correct only if the drilling tool is measured accurately.


The drilling operation should be stopped at once, once oil &gas showing is found during drilling.


The circulation should be observed, cuttings should be collected every meter drilled  and get ready for coring.


Excuse me, please tell me the well depth at present.


The well depth is 3000meters now.


Is there any showing now?


I will tell the driller to stop drilling at once and observe the circulation if any oil &gas showing is found.


What lithology is this interval?


It isn’t limestone, it is dolomite.


A shale formation with sandstone interbedded is also a potential oil bearing formation.


Please inspect every package of cuttings carefully under the fluorescence light so as to find oil &gas showing on time.


The fluorescence of the cuttings is very faint.


I have finished the core description.


Please tell me the coring interval, the length and recovery of the core.


The core recovery of this well is about 90%.


Please follow me to the core library if you want to see cores.


I need to take some core samples for laboratory analysis.


I want to identify the lithology of this piece of rock with the microscope.


Please identify the contents of the special mineral.


I think it is necessary to do a thin section analysis to determine the lithology.


The cuttings  collected from the shale shaker should be  cleaned before fluorescence analysis.


The cuttings should be immersed into chlorine solvent to determine the fluorescence level.


Titrate some chloroform and observe.


Do not immerse over 8 hours.


The effect of contaminants and falling cuttings is to be eliminated in description.


It is important to estimate precisely the mineral percentage in the cuttings.


I have tested that the rock does not react with hydrochloric acid(HCI).


This sandstone consists of quartz primarily and feldspar secondly.


After cuttings are packed, depth has to be marked on the bag.


The casing running is finished and the cementing units have arrived at well site.


Inspect the instrument while WOC.


Special pen should be used for log plotting.


It is convenient to identify curves with color pen.


The porosity and permeability of rock are related directly to grain size and sorting characteristics.


The core should be put in special box after measuring and marking, and kept in the core library.


The data or information should be compiled based on one standard for convenient access and preservation.


The date should be standardized.


The rock type, color, structure, minerals content as well as oil &gas showing should be included in the sedimentary description.


We are going to plot the columnar section today.


It is observed from core that the conglomerate is sub-rounded in poor sorting and distributes randomly.


There were only 15samples recovered in the sidewall coring with the rest failed because the formation is too hard.


The sidewall coring should be done in the target interval.




The rigging up is finished.


Let’s start to check and test the rig.


The rig isn’t checked and tested.


All the operation should be done per normal procedures.


It is not allowed to work on the rig floor without helmet on.


The safety belt should be fastened when working on the derrick.


Has your safety belt been fastened?


Wine drinking is not allowed before going to work.


Spud in will begin at about one o’clock in the afternoon.


For the first spud in, penetration rate is 160 and weight on the bit is two thousand pounds.


What is the penetration rate?


The weight on the bit is less than two thousand pounds.


Use both pumps with 100 strokes per minute and pressure of 6 MPa.


Shall we use both pumps?


Do a dummy trip after single joint until the first spud in finished.


Circulate for one and half hours before pulling out.


How long to circulate before pulling out?


Report at once if any unusual case occurred.


Control the running speed when going in the hole.


Be careful not to make free fall and hurt anyone.


Don’t force to run in with too more weight for a tight hole.


What can I do? The hole is getting tight.


See if any mud overflow on the screen.


There is an overflow screen.


We need to change the screen at once.


Is the screen to be changed?


The screen needn’t changing.


Record it carefully.


Don’t make false record.


It is a false record.


Do a deviation survey every 100metre interval.


What’s the interval between deviation surveys?


Move the drill string frequently.


The result of deviation survey has to be informed to supervisor in time.


The supervisor has already been informed about the survey result.


Don’t apply excessive torque.


The torque is  excessive.


No forced pulling out is allowed.


The string has been moved up and down several times, but it doesn’t work.


Connect kelly and do a backreaming.


Don’t connect the kelly.


Make a mark for sticking point on the drill pipe.


Is the frill pipe marked for sticking point?


Be careful not to twist off the drill string.


Don’t act your disposal without supervisor’s consent.


I’ve got the prior consent from supervisor already.


Don’t make up by rotary table while running in.


I’ve never made up by rotary gable while running in.


Make up and tighten by  both tongs.


Check all the precaution measures.


Check finished and no problem found.


Do a blow out prevention exercise.


It approaches the pay zone based on depth.


It is far away from the pay zone based on depth.


Make a record of pump pressure at one third of normal rate.


Get ready to kill the well.


Is it necessary to kill the well?


The brake blocks need to be changed.


Need the brake blocks to be changed?


Check the fluctuation of mud level whenever 20 strings pulled out.


Is there any fluctuation of mud level?


Your day rate will be deducted in such a case.


Why to deduct our day rate?


The daily maintenance will be done for less than 15 minutes.


The maintenance can not be done within 15 minutes.


The weight on the bit has to be increased now.


Has the weight on the bit been increased?


There is some trouble in the borehole. don’t leave the rig floor.


We are waiting for the completion of service and equipment maintenance.


Get ready. The service and maintenance have completed.


Run the string for the second spud in to the cement plug.


Wait, do not run the string for the  second spud in now.


How is the borehole now?


Please help to clean the mud tank.


Fill up the tank with water, then prepare the mud.


Is the tank filled up with water?


The tank isn’t filled up with water yet.


Tighten all the screws when installing the wellhead.


This screw isn’t tightened.


See if there is any leakage on the wellhead.


There is no leakage on the wellhead.


There is some leakage on the wellhead.


Put these tools in good order.


Don’t put these tools here.


Put these tools here.


There is a noise while this machine is running.


There is no noise while this machine is running.


Is there any noise while this machine is running


We have to shut down it to check the cause.


Should we shut down it to check the cause?


The pump pressure is fluctuating, what can I do?


The string has to be pull out at once to see what’s wrong.

What’s wrong?


Run the string in the hole now.


Shall we run the string in the hole now?


Start the circulation.


Shall we start the circulation?


Don’t start now.


Make a connection.


Shall we make a connection now?


Start to break out the pipe.


Shall we start to break out the pipe?


First ,connect the guide shoe and the casing shoe.


Both guide shoe and casing shoe have already been connected.


We are connecting the guide shoe and casing shoe.


All the joints should be coated with thread compound.


Have all the joints been coated with thread compound?


We are coating the joints with thread compound.


Run a centralizer every two joints of casing.


What to be run every two joints of casing?


Where to connect the centralizer?


No one is allowed to be on the rig floor except the driller.


Who else is on the rig floor?


Only a driller is on the rig floor now.


The person in charge of water delivery for cementing water tank is not allowed to leave his job.


Who is in charge of water delivery for cementing water tank?


Put the wellhead in right place after removing the cementing head and manifold.


Is the wellhead in right place?


Close the blind ram.


Have you closed the blind ram?


The blind ram is not closed.


It is required to keep pressure for 5 minutes.


How many minutes is it required to keep the pressure for ?


Open the pipe ram and test all the valves for killing.


Is the pipe ram opened? Can I test the valves now?


All the tests are acceptable.


Are all the tests acceptable?


All the tests are acceptable but this one.


Lift the kelly out from rotary table?


Is the kelly out from rotary table?


This pressure will be the basis for well shut in and killing in case blowing out.今后井喷以此压力为关井和压井的依据。

What is this pressure used for?


What is this pressure used for well killing in case kick out?


Clean and measure the casing carefully.


The casing cleaning and measurement are completed.


Fill up with mud every 5 joints of casing when running surface casing.


Shut down the pump after one meter drilled.


How many meters have to be drilled before pump shut down?


The pump is stopped.


Please assist the logging crew to lift logging tools.


Ensure safety in operation and don’t act rashly.


Safety first.安全第一。

Use safety and reliable rope socket.要使用安全可靠的绳套。

This rope socket is not reliable.这个绳套不可靠。

Be sure to use guideline when lift any weights.吊重物一定要有牵引绳。

Stop, don’t lift without guideline.停下,没有牵线绳不许起吊。

Water has been run out on the well site. Please notify for water supply.


Have you notified for water supply? 你通知送水了吗?

There is no water, we have to stop drilling. 没有水,要停钻了。

Drill with parameters as required.要按照规定的参数钻进。

You didn’t drill with parameters as required. 你没有按规定参数钻进。

Have you drilled with parameters as required?你按规定参数钻进了吗?

When the first time to pull out the pipe from the hole, attention should be paid to sticking and forced pulling.第一次起钻时,要注意防卡及拔活塞

Attention! take care!注意!注意!

Tell the mud engineer in time of mud property changed.


I’ve told the mud engineer. 我已经告诉泥浆工程师了。

Violator will be dismissed.违者将被开除。

He didn’t violate any rule. 他没有违反规定。

The pump rate and weight on the bit should be indicated in the record.


Is the pump rate indicated in the record? 记录上有排量吗?

The pump rate isn’t indicated in the record. 记录上没有标明排量。

Walling under the rotation radius of crane boom is prohibited.


We have to try to the gas to the open pit over there.


Try it.试一试。

We can’t do any drilling on the rig floor now, please give your instruction.钻台上已无法工作,请指示。

Why stop the operation on the rig floor? 钻台上为什么没动静?

These materials have to be prevented against moisture and sunshine.


Put these materials in a safety place. 把这些材料放在安全的地方。

Get the fishing tools ready ,this shift is expected to do fishing.


Is this shift expected to do fishing?这一班可能打捞吗?

I think that the bit’s gone. 我估计是钻头磨光了。

I’m not sure, maybe the bit’s gone. 我不清楚,可能钻头磨光了。

It was changed last shift. 上一班刚换完的钻头。

When did you change the bit? 什么时候换的钻头?

Get me the mud man, quickly. 给我把泥浆工叫来,快点。

Get me the derrick man, quickly. 给我把井架工叫来,快点。

Get me the derrick man, not the mud man.


The hole is getting tight. 井眼有点遇阻。

Tight ? how is the mud? 遇阻了?泥浆怎么样?

What’s the bottoms up? 泥浆返回时间有多少?

About an hour. 大约一个小时。

We’ll give it three hours and see.过三小时再看吧。

I think that three hours are too long.我觉得三个小时太长了。

We’ve pulled out and stacked the pipe. 已经完钻,把钻杆都排放好了。

Has the pipe been stacked? 钻杆都排放好了吗?

Set the kelly in the rathole. 将方钻杆放在鼠洞里。

Where to set the kelly? 要把方钻杆放在那里?

The toolpusher is fishing a cutter.


What is the toolpusher doing? 平台经理正在干什么?

What is it to be fished? 打捞的是什么?

There is nothing wrong with the generator. 发电机没有问题。

Something wrong with the generator. 发电机有点问题。

I don’t think we have to worry, let’s go ahead to make hole.


I worry about the mud. 我担心泥浆有问题。

Don’t worry. 不用担心。



Please show me your yellow paper(health certificate).


Passport please. Mr. Liu,  how long are you going to stay in Sudan?


About two months.大约二个月。

Where will you stay in Sudan? 在苏旦期间你住哪?

I’ll stay at the base of oil field. 我住在油田基地。

Have you got anything to declare? 有要申报的吗?

Do you have any cigarettes or spirits? 有烟和烈性酒吗?

Yes, I do have 30 packs of cigarettes, do I have to pay duty on them?


May I check it? 我可以检查一下吗?

Certainly. 当然可以。

Ok, you may go. 行了,你可以走了。

Good morning, ticket and passport, please.早上好,请出示机票和护照。

Here are all the tickets and passport, please.这些是所有的机票和护照。

How many people are there in the group?你们共有多少人?

Fifteen in all.总共15人。

How many pieces of baggage do you want to check?


Two for each of us, what’s the baggage allowance?


Seventy pounds for each passenger, and the weight limit for each piece is forty-five pounds.每位旅客70英磅,每件限重45英磅。

Not overweight, let me put on the baggage tags.


Your boarding cards and passports.这些是你们的登机卡和护照。

The boarding gate is six. Have a good flight, gentlemen.


What’s the temperature today?今天的气温是多少/

The lowest temperature is seventeen degrees below zero in the winter.


I am Liu Dagang from China. I reserved a room here last week.


Oh yes, we do have your reservation.对,这里有你预定的房间。

How many nights will you stay here? 你住几个晚上?

Would you please fill the arrival form and sign your name here?


Operator, extension 815,please.接线员,请接815分机。

May I speak to Mr. Smith? 请史密斯先生听电话。

He is not in, shall I take a message?他本人不在,你能否留个条子?

Excuse me, would you please speak slowly?对不起,请你说慢些好吗?

Would you please repeat it again?请再讲一遍好吗?

I’d like to meet Mr. Smith this afternoon.我想今天下午见史密斯先生。

I’m sorry , Mr. Smith will be engaged this afternoon. Could you come tomorrow morning, at 10 o’clock?


That’s fine, it suits me very well. 好,这个时间对我很合适。

I’ll pick you up in the hotel at 9:30. 930去饭店接你。

May I introduce Mr. Liu?是否允许我向你介绍刘大刚先生?

How do you do , pleased to meet you. 你好,很高兴认识你。

What would you like, tea or coffee? 想喝点什么?茶,还是咖啡?

Let’s discuss some points raised by your side.


I’d like to clear up some points about the contract.


It is necessary to ensure water supply on the site before the start of work.


The owner shall hand over all the geological information of the site to the contractor.业主将有关工地的全部资料转交给承包方。

Are there any restrictions on the of the public road?


No, there’re not, but you must prevent them from damage.


We’d like to know when you will deliver the site to us.


According to the practice, the site is usually available to the contractor 30 days before the commencement of the work.


Have you any question about the contract?你说合同还有什么问题吗?

Come at seven in the morning and work with Mr. Wang.


I want you to work overtime tonight.我想让你今晚加班。

You can go home now.你现有可以回家了。

It is dangerous, keep away please.这里危险,不要站人。

It’s not allowed to smoke here.此处不许吸烟。

Violation of regulations is strictly forbidden.严禁违章操作。

Follow the instructions to operate. 要按说明操作。

Watch carefully. Follow me. 仔细看,按我做的方式去做。

Be careful. Don’t do it like that.注意,不要那样做。

Start. Turn on the switch. 开始,将开关打开。

Turn off the switch. 关闭开关。

Switch off the power. 关掉电源。

You take that end. Hold it properly.你拿住那头,拿好。

Lift it up and raise a bit.提起来,抬高点。

Move it up .往上移。

Move to your left(right).往你的左(右)边移动。

Go back a little. 往后退点。

Put it down. 把它放下。

Don’t touch it. 不要触摸。

Don’t force it.不要硬拉开(推)。

Take it apart and take that off. 把它拆开,卸下来。

The ground needs leveling.场地需要平整。

Clean the outlet. 把出口清理干净。

Take your time. 别着急,慢慢来。

Hurry up! Watch your step. 快点!脚下留神。

What’s happened? 这儿怎么了?

What’s the problem?有什么问题?

We repaired the pump this afternoon. 我你下午修了这台泵。

When will you be ready? 你们什么时候能准备好?

We shall be ready in ad hour. 一小时后我们就准备好。

When dose it begin? 什么时候开始?

Are you OK? 你没事吧?

How long is it? 它有多长?

It’s six meters long. 6长。

It’s too long. 太长了。They should be one meter apart.它们应相距1

They should turning and needs fixing.它不转,需要修理了。

I need a spanner. 我需要一个扳手。

Well done!干得不错!

Mr. Liu, please attend a meeting at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.


The meeting will be held in the meeting-room of the company.


The project progress will be discussed in the meeting.


The work on the site is getting along pretty well.现场的工作正常顺利。

Everything is going along on schedule.一切可按计划进行。

The construction is behind schedule because of adverse weather.


Our work has not advanced much these days.


Measures should be taken to speed up the construction and get on schedule.我们应采取措施加快施工进度,以便按合同期限完成工程。

What do you think about this problem?你对这个问题有什么看法?

We’ll think over your proposal.我们将仔细考虑贵方建议。

We should change the equipment.我们将换掉那台设备。

We think that the subcontractor recommended by you can’t cope with the work.我们认为,贵方推荐的那个分包公司不能完成工程量。

We shall not bear any responsibility for unforeseen circumstances.


We intended to have provided all the information you asked for by the end of last week, but we could not find time to prepare it.我们本来打算在上周末提供你要的全部资料,但是我们没有时间准备。

Your remarks break the stipulation of the contract.


It is beyond the obligations under the contract.


The question should be submitted to the joint committee for discussion.


The joint committee will discuss the question submitted by you tomorrow.联委会明天讨论你方提交的问题。

We will contact with home as soon as possible.我们将尽快与家里联系。

Please reply us soon as possible.请尽快答复我方。

As a result of your fault, you should make compensation for our loss.


It is not our fault.这不是我方的问题。

We hope you to consider our request once again.


We agree to make a concession and grant you a reasonable compensation.


We ask you to cover the expenses of defect elimination.


No objection. That’s an international practice.


Let’s summarize the discussion and prepare a memorandum.


I have a fever.我发烧。

I’m not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。

I have a cold and chills.我感冒了,浑身发冷。

He got malaria.他得了疟疾。

It’s an infectious disease.这种疾病传染。

He needs intravenous drip for two days.他需要输两天液。

I have headache and feel dizzy.我头痛,头晕。

I have a stomachache.我胃痛。

I have a sore eye.我眼睛痛。

I want to buy 20 kilos of tomato.我要买20公斤西红柿。

I’ll take this one, how much is it?我就要这个,多少钱?

Any discount? How much do you charge?给折扣吗?你们收多少钱?

Please give me a receipt.请开张收据。

I’d like to change some US dollar.我想兑换一些美元。

Could you tell me today’s rate of exchange?今天的兑换率是多少?

How would you like the change?要什么面额的钱?

Please give me ten five-dollar notes and the rest in small change.




Here’s the basic data of this well.这是该井的基础资料。

How long is the perforated interval?射孔井段有多长?

The weight indicator must be sensitive and accurate.


Is there any problem with the weight indicator.指重表有问题吗?

Please follow my gesture to operate.请按我的手势进行操作。

Please notice my gesture.请注意我的手势。

Run in hole smoothly and fasten the back-up tong.下钻要平稳并且要打紧背钳。

Fasten the back up tong to avoid string rotating.打好背钳防止管柱旋转。

Please pull up the string smoothly using the second gear speed.


The testing tool has a free drop of 1 inch at the moment of well open.


The testing tool has no free drop during shut-in.


The packer is set by right-hand string rotating.


Slack off the test string with torque.管柱保持扭矩下放。

The testing mode is two openings and two shutting ins.


Is the third open needed? 还要求三开井吗?

Observe annulus level closely during testing.


Is the annulus level stable?环空液面稳定吗?

Bleed off the sample on the site.取样器要现场放样。

How much is the sampler pressure?放样压力是多少?

Look, there are strong bubbles at the bubble head.看,显示头气泡强烈。

No bubble appears at the bubble head.显示头无气泡。

Daily production is 39 cubic meters reduced from the liquid recovered, including 20 cubic meters oil and 19cubic meters water.


Daily production is 46 cubic meters reduced from the flow curves.


Don’t drop anything in the well.防止井下落物。

The distance between square bushing and tubing hanger is 5.4 meters.


What is the distance between square bushing and tubing hanger?


A pup tubing of 8.06 meters is required.需要8.06短油管。

Are there any pup drill pipes?请问有短钻杆吗?

Brake thoroughly now!现在把车刹住。

Set the tubing hanger, then tighten up the jackscrews.


Have the jackscrews been loosen?顶丝松开了吗?

The hook can rotate freely.大钩能够自由旋转。

Make up connections tightly for a good seal.


There is severe leakage in the test string.测试管柱漏失严重。

The combination of TCP and DST is used.


The straddle packer test is applied.采用跨隔测试工艺。

Set the packer now.现有坐封封隔器。

The packer should be applied with a weight of 20.0 kN.


Please connect the wellhead control equipments.连接井口控制装置。

Now increase annular pressure to open the well.现有环空加压开井。

Apply 8MPa to the annulus.环空需要加压8兆帕。

Release annular pressure rapidly to shut in the well.


Please bleed off annular pressure to zero.环空压力释放为零。

Increase annular pressure to open the circulating sample valve for well killing.环空加压打开循环取样阀压井。

The circulating sample valve has been opened.循环取样阀已经打开。

Next step is running a sampler for sampling.下步要下取样器取样。

Is the sampler ready?取样器准备好了吗?

Pull up the string to release the packer.上提管柱解封封隔器。

Pull up the drilling pipes after releasing the packer.封隔器解封后起钻。

Drop a bar in tubing for perforation, or increase annular pressure for perforation.向管柱内投棒射孔,或环空加压射孔。

What kind of perforation is it?射孔方式是什么?

Control the speed for a stable trip in.下钻平稳必须控制好速度。

The speed of trip in must be controlled within 25 std/h.


The minimum inner diameter of testing tool is 57.15 mm.


The tensile strength of testing tool is 1000 kN.


The maximum head of NAVI pump is 400m.


The required rotary speed of NAVI pump is 60 rpm.


What is the size of the centralizer?扶正器的规格是多少?

Dose the tool meet the requirements is the performance test?


The well killing fluid can be water or mud.压井液是清水或泥浆。

Please prepare 60 cubic meters of well killing fluid.


The well killing fluid’s density is 1.2, and total chloride is 200mg/l.


The packer is set at 2818m.封隔器坐封存深度是2818

The depth of tester valve is 2700m.测试阀的深度是2700

Add 18 m3 nitrogen cushion for a wellhead pressure of 12 MPa, or add water cushion of 1000m.加氮气垫18立方米,井口压力是12兆帕,或加清水垫1000

The total elapsed time is 2507 minutes.总测试时间2507分钟。

The initial open is 10 min and the initial shut in is 90 min.


The initial pressure for the second opening is 14.66 MPa.


The initial shut in pressure is 15 MPa.初关井压力是15兆帕。

Oil bloom is found in the fluid recovered.回收物见到油花。

This is the evaluation and interpretation report for the interval tested.


It will take one week or so to finish the evaluation and interpretation.

评价解释工作大约需要 一周时间。

We need the report of oil, gas and water analysis.


This is a readout testing.本次试井是直读式试井。

Memory testing will be used for the next interval.


Let’s connect the electronic pressure gauge and sinker bar now.


The output signal of electronic pressure gauge is minus.


Is the output signal of electronic pressure gauge stable?


Let’s install be the blowout preventor now.现有可以安装井口防喷装置。

The readout data acquisition software runs well.


There maybe virus in the software.软件可能有病毒。

The GRC(PANEX.MCALLISTER) electronic gauge is used this time.


What kind of electronic gauge will be used?


Let’s run the electric cable now.现有开始下电缆。

We need to measure the pressure gradient and pause for a few minutes at each point.我们需要测压力梯度,每个梯度点停几分钟。

Next, we need to measure the flowing pressure during opening.


Static pressure is being measured with well shut-in now.


At the beginning of shut-in, please increase the sampling rate.


Need the sampling rate to be increased?采样率需要加密吗?

We need to input the working program into the electronic gauge before running it into for the memory testing.


Please play back the pressure and temperature.请回放压力、温度数据。

Please print out the pressure and temperature.请打印出压力、温度数据。

This is a delineation testing.本次试井是探边试井。

Remember to connect the battery to electronic gauge for memory testing.


Remember to measure the volt of the battery.记得测量一下电池电压。

We use slickline to run the gauge into the well.


Please store the data into the disk.请把数据存放在磁盘上。

Please read the data from the disk now.现有将磁盘上的数据调出来。

The maximum working temperature of the battery is 150 or  175.


The main function of Linclion pump is to seal off the lubricator.


After the test loop connected, the flowlines and separator need to be hydrostatic tested.首先把流程连接好,管线和分离器需要试压。

The resistance of cable conductor is 20.电缆芯线电阻是20欧姆。

Now, the flow meters are being calibrated.现有正校验流量计。

How much is the calibrating constant?校准常数是多少?

When sand content is less than 0.1%, the fluid will be allowed to flow into the separator.含砂量低于0.1%时,方可进分离器。

How much is the sand content of the well fluid?地层流体含砂多少?

Now, the size of the surface coke is 8mm.现有地面油嘴为8毫米。

The chokes need to be changed now.现有需要更换油嘴。

The well stream should flow into heater to be heated.


The rated working pressure of the separator is 10 MPa.


The pressure and level of the separator have been stable.


The pressure and level of the separator should be adjusted.


There is a safety protection unit on the separator.


The separator is equipped with a relief valve and a rupture disk.


The oil production is 240 m3/d during testing period.


The water cut is 3% now.现有原油含水3%

What is the water cut now?现有含水是多少?

Start firing after 15 minutes.15分钟以后点火。

Please start firing at once.请马上点火。

The ID of the orifice is 25.4mm.现有测气孔板内径为25.4毫米。

The orifice plate should be replaced in 30minutes. 30分钟内换孔板。

Should the orifice plate be changed?需要更换孔板吗?

This separator is made in USA.该分离器是美国制造的。

Which country is this set of tool made in?


Finally, the oil, water and gas samples are taken two for each.


Are the samples taken now?现有取样吗?

Now, oil/gas ratio is 1:3000. 现有油气比是13000

The separator capacity is 2000m3/d liquid and 700000m3/d gas.


The separator is equipped with an auto control.


By means of once through collar locating, the casing collar log and natural Gamma-Ray log are conducted at the same time.


The casing collar locating takes three hours.校深需要3小时。

No more than 3 hours are allowed for collar locating.


The instruments should be inspected to avoid bugs.


The trouble shall be removed at once.故障可以马上排除。

Please introduce the surface equipment, down hole tools and wireline units for collar locating.


Please provide a Gamma-Ray logging curve with exact depth.


Find the locating sub and locate the depth of collar under it.


Let’s match these two curves.我们把两条曲线进行对比。

The trends of two curves are the same.


Take two typical points from the Gamma-Ray log.


The difference between theoretical and actual depth is 2.55 meters.


Logging speed influences the amplitude of natural Gamma-Ray curve.


This is a drillable bridge plug.桥塞是可钻式的。

Please run a retrievable bridge plug.请下入可取式桥塞。

The setting depth of bridge plug is 1500 m, and the allowable error is no more than 1.0m up and down.


The zero length of setting tool is 2.35metres. 坐封工具零长是2.35

Please use the drift diameter gauge of 118mm for drifting.


The bridge plug can’t be run too fast, it is already at 1504 meters.


Preset an up pulling value so as to determine the setting position.


First, log the pup casing, then the standard collar.


When the setting position of bridge plug is right, get ready for firing.


After the bridge plug is set, run a log to indicate the stuck setting tool.




check the bridle insulation.检查一下马笼头绝缘。

Change to a long electrode bridle.换上长电极马笼头。

Fill in the bridle with silicone.给马笼头打些硅脂。

Connect the bridle to the logging tool.把马笼头接到测井仪器上。

Connect the cable head with the tools.把电缆头与仪器连上。

Disconnect the torpedo.把鱼雷拆开。

Which cable conductor has low dielectric strength?几号电缆绝缘低?

How many ohms does it read?有多少欧姆?

Connect the tools properly.指导仪器连接好。

Connect the tools at the well head.在井口对接仪器。

Connect the tools with a jumper.用跨接线将仪器连接好。

Start to make before-logging calibration.开始做测前刻度。

Put the r calibrating jig on to the GR.r刻度架放到GR上。

Make a calibration for GR tool. GR仪器刻度。

Make sure that the position is right.位置一定要放准。

Take the calibrator a bit further.把刻度器拿远一点。

Put on the large caliper ring.套上大井径环。

Put the tool on the high stand.将仪器放到高架子上。

Take down the tool.把仪器抬下来。

Fill in the calibration tube with water.将刻度管内灌满水。

Add some detergent into water.水内要加入洗衣粉。

The connection is no good. tighten the thread a little bit.


Put the surface electrode into the mud put.将地面电极放入泥浆池。

Lift up the upper sheave.把天滑轮吊上。

Life the sheave a bit higher.将滑轮吊高一些。

Make sure that the floor chain is secured.地崩绳一定要固定好。

Stretch the cable tight when pulling it to the well head.


Hand me the spanner wrench, please.请把勾头给我。

There’s something wrong with this tool, change it for another one.


Hold the tool straight and put it down into the well.


Zero the tool string.对零。

Put on centralizers above and below the sonic.声波上下都要加扶正器。

Put on decentralize on the compensated neutron tool.


Connecting like that is not right. It should be done like this.


Carry the AC tool over here.把声波仪器抬过来。

The tool needs recalibration.仪器需要重新刻度。

The correcting value is within the error range.校验值在误差范围之内。

This tool is connected above that tool.


The power is off, you may disconnect the tools.


Coat the thread with grease.把丝扣涂上黄油。

Clean up the tools and then put them in order.把仪器清洗干净后排好。

Clean up the source chamber.把源仓清洗干净。

Keep up the hoist speed at 10 meters/second.使绞车速度控制在10/

Go down slowly, we are approaching the target zone.


Pay attention to a tight hole.注意遇阻。

What is the stuck depth?遇阻位置是多少?

The tool is stuck, the tension is 8300 pounds.


Make preparation for source loading tools.准备好装源工具。

Tighten the screw in place after loading the source.装源后要将螺丝顶紧

Cover the well head when loading the source.装源后要将井口盖上。

Personnel not on duty, be far away from the well head, please.


Take over the source tank.把源罐拿过来。

Load all the tools onto the truck.将所有仪器装车。

The next tool string will be the radioactive logging tools.


Everything is ready.都准备好了。

Take a little bit mud from the mud pit.到泥浆池内取点泥浆来。

Get ready to measure the mud resistivity.准备测泥浆电阻率。

Open the caliper leg.张腿(张开井径臂)。

Close the caliper leg.收腿。

Short the NO.1 pad.使1号极板短路。

Rotate for 90 degrees.转动90度。

Increase the pressure.增加压力。

Incline the dip logging tool for more than 3 degrees.


The curve changes normally.曲线变化正常。

The curve has some cycle skips.曲线有跳变。

The curve repeatability is very good.曲线重复性很好。

The tool is in good working conditions.仪器性能正常。

Maybe there is a pad leakage, we need to replace this tool with another one.可能是极板漏了,需要重新换仪器。

Warm-up for 30 minutes, then do the calibration.


Increase the pressure of the hand pump.把手压泵打紧。

Open the one-way valve.打开防喷器。

Make air samples, take away the calibrator.做空气采样,把刻度器拿远。

Put on the calibrator and make samples.放刻度器采样。

The tools string consists of flowmeter, density, hydro, pressure, temperature, GR and CCL, etc.


Record the pressure and temperature of the separator.


Check the tubing pressure and the casing pressure.看一看油压和套压。

The depth of the cement top is 1200 meters.水泥返高深度为1200

What is the standard casing setting depth?标准套管深度是多少?

Is there any fish in the downhole?井下有无落物?

Os the depth of the perforated interval right?射孔井段深度是否正确?

Use the GR as the depth correcting curve.GR做校深曲线。

Disconnect the lubricators.拆卸防喷管。

Input the pressure calibration factors.输入压力刻度系数。

Is the fuel level of the generator high enough?发电机的机油量够吗?

Don’t stand right in front of the valve.不要站在阀门正前方。

Start to release the pressure.可以开始卸压。

Close the valve tightly.冷门要关紧。

Verify the oil and water productions of the metering station.


Are the “O” rings on the lubricator good?防喷管线上的O圈是否完好。

Open the grease filling pump and fill in the sealing grease.


Have the grease pipes been connected?注脂管线接好了吗?

Put on calibration block 1.0 and make calibration. 放刻度块1.0刻度。

Check the tool against the calibration blocks 0.7, 0.4,and 0.1.

对照刻度块0.7, 0.4, 0.1校验仪器。

Shake up the magnetic locator. 晃晃磁性定位器。

Measure the hydro readings in air.测量空气中的持水率值。

The related data are on the field head.有关数据在图头上。

Make a copy for the data of this well.把这口井的数据做个备份。

This is the liquid-producing profile map obtained from interpretation.


The main pay zones of this well are obvious.这口井的主要产层明显。

Make another plot using a different scale.重新出一张其它比例的图。

We need to run a repeat section.需要测一段重复曲线。

Adjust the gain setting to get signals optimized.调整增益设置,使测量信号最佳。

Run a playback after logging to see if the data is up to the standard.


Is the data acceptable?资料合格吗?

Please check the storage space before recording data.


Had the perforating data been sorted out?射孔数据整理好了吗?

Mark the sidewall coring depth in the 0.4-meter resistivity log.


We are in the target zone now, start to release the isotope .




The tractor hoist should be located behind the derrick.


The tubing bridges are arranged in three (3) lines.摆放油管架,三行。

The line spacing is three meters.行距为3

The tubings are arranged in groups of ten(10) joints and marked properly.


The wellhead protecting cap is removed and the riser and the X-tree are installed.卸井口帽,安装升高短节及采油树。

Be sure the thread is coated with sealing grease and the bolts are tightened.保证螺纹涂密封脂,螺栓上紧。

You must break out all the large bolts on the wellhead.


All the large bolts in the well head been broken out?


Remove the upper valving of X-tree above the spool.


The tubings are measured and drifted by the tubing gauge after the tubing measurement is recorded.


Latch on the elevator securely.扣好吊卡。

Don’t use only one elevator link.不能挂单吊环。

Trip the tubing string up and down.上下活动油管。

The reading change of weight indicator is to be observed carefully.


Run the flush tubings first, and then the EUE(external upset end) tubings.

Connect then with a cross-over joint.先下平式油管,再下加厚油管,二者用变扣短节连接。

The speed should be reduced when the tubing string is running near the bottom of the hole.管柱接近井底时减缓下钻速度。

10KN is loaded to detect the bottom of the hole.探井底时加压10千牛。

What is the pressure to be used to detect the bottom of the hole?


Pull out one joint of tubing first, and then install the tubing hanger.


Make up and tighten the bolts diagonally when the X-tree is installed.


Now connect the flowback line from a casing valve to the storage pit or storage tank.现在从套管闸门接出一根放喷管线到储液池或储液罐。

Put the end of the suction hose of the pump truck into the fresh water tank.把泵车吸水端插入清水罐。

The high pressure discharge pipe of pump truck is connected with a producing valve of the X-tree.泵车高压输出管线接到生产闸门上。

Open the production valve and the casing valve.


Don’t open the production valve now.


Display the mud in the wellbore with fresh water down the tubing and circulate the well.用清水正替换井筒泥浆,洗井。

If any sticking happens during pulling the tubing, the cause should be found out before any decision making.


The wellbore is tested to the pressure of twelve (12) MPa.


What pressure is the wellbore tested to?井筒正试压多大?

Pull out the drifting string and check the gauge for scratch.


Help the perforating crew to hoist the pulley for perforating.


Be sure that the wireline is not twisted.注意电缆打扭。

The well is filled with kill fluid before running the perforating gun.


The fluid rate into the well is to be measured accurately.


The depth should be corrected by running magnetic locator before perforating.射孔前,用磁性定位校深。

The casing is perforated in an under balance condition.


Fire for perforating.点火射孔。

Observe the overflow at the wellhead and prevent the well from blowout.


Make preparations for installing the wellhead quickly and killing well.


You should cut off the perforating cable immediately and close the blowout preventer (B.O.P) if a well kick occurs.如果发现井涌,立即剪断电缆,关防喷器。

Pull the perforating cable out of hole if the well head is in normal condition.如果井口无异常,起出电缆。

The well is killed with three percent (3%) LCI (potassium chloride) solution and circulated reversely with one (1) hole volume of kill fluid down the annulus.


Run the tubing to fifteen meters above the top of perforations while production testing.试油时下油管距射孔顶界15

How many meters is the tubing to be run to above the top of perforations?


Get ready for swabbing.做抽汲准备。

Clamp the rope socket.卡绳帽。

Connect the sinker bar.连加重杆。

Install the swab rubber.上抽汲胶片。

Hang the swab.挂抽子头。

The swabbing rope is to be marked.抽汲钢丝绳作标记。

Let’s start swabbing and flowing back now.现在开始抽汲排液。

You should monitor and record the pressure variation when the pressure of reverse gas lifting reaches 15MPa.当反气举15兆帕时,注意记录压力变化。

There are several methods of productivity test such as flowing, swabbing and so on.求产方式有:自喷求产和抽汲求产等。

Which method of productivity test will be used?选用什么求产方式?

Analyze for chlorion in free water, water cut and sand content in the crude oil.测定游离氯根,做原油含水及含砂分析。

Determine the upward well testing method based on the condition of the reservoir.视油层情况决定上返试油方式。

It is a separated zone testing.这次是分层测试。

Test upward after the lower zone has been plugged with cement plug.


Mix the cement slurry and add retardant.调配水泥浆,内加缓凝剂。

Is the retardant added in the cement?水泥内加入缓凝剂了吗?

Measure the density of the mud.测量泥浆密度。

The fresh water is used as spacer.清水作隔离液。

Circulate the well reversely to wash the remainder of the cement slurry out of wellbore.反循环洗井,洗出多余水泥浆。

Pull the tubing to desired position and wait on cement setting for twenty-four hours.上提油管候凝24小时。

How long is the waiting on cement after tubing pulling?上提油管候凝多长时间?

Lower the tubing slowly to locate the top of cement plug.


Run a scraper on 2-7/8” tubing and scrape the interval of 29003000meters at least five times for packer setting. 2-7/8”油管下刮削器刮削井段29003000至少5次,以便坐封隔器。

which interval is to be scraped?要刮削的是哪一个井段。

Circulate at least one and a half hole volumes to ensure wellbore clean.


Run a packer for an upward testing.上封隔器上返试油。

Turn the tubing string with lefthand rotation and set the packer with pressure.反转管柱,加压坐封封隔器。

The packer is released by pulling the tubing.上提管柱解封。

Is the result of hydraulic test on the packer sealing acceptable?


Shut off the lower sliding sleeve and open the upper one.


Is the well killed with mud?是用泥浆压井吗?

What fluid is to be used to kill the well?打算用什么压井?

Plug the wellbore and hand over it.封井交井。

It’s time to perform the acidizing operation now.现在要酸化施工。

Hydrochloric acid is used for limestone acidizing and mud acid for sandstone acidizing.灰岩用盐酸,砂岩用土酸。

The hydraulic compressive packer is used to separate layers for selective treatment.使用水力压缩式封隔器分层选择性处理。

Prepare the constant pressure valve, valve ball and ball seat.配备定压阀,阀球和球座。

Run the acidizing tubing string and inject the valve ball.


Blend the acidizing fluid manually or by pump truck circulating.


Is the well head secured?井口加固了吗?

Start the acidizing pumpers and open the suction valves.启动酸化泵车,打开吸入阀。

Remember conducting a leakage testing for low pressure pipe lines while a pressure testing for high pressure pipe lines.注意低压管线防漏,高压管线试压。

Open the production valve and the casing valve, and then displace the tubing with 9m3 prepad.开生产闸门和套管闸门替9立方米前置液。

How many cubic meters of prepad are to be displaced? 替入多少方前置液?

Close the casing valve and inject 4m3 of treating fluid.


Inject the fluid added with diverting agent.挤入转向剂液体。

Inject the flush fluid.打顶替液。

The well is shut in for one hour for reaction properly.关井反应1小时。

Open up the well to flow back the spent acid and bleed off CO2 to the flow back tank.开井放喷排酸和二氧化碳。

Run the coiled tubing and inject liquid nitrogen to aid flow back.


Test the spent acid and continue flowing back until the concentration of spent acid is less than 0.1%.测残酸浓度,要求小于百分之零点一。

Prevent people from injury by acid.防止酸液伤人。

The temperature logs are to be conducted before and after fracturing job.


Show me the temperature logs both before and after fracturing.


Install the fracturing well head.装压裂井口。

Spot the fracturing tanks on the site and fill the tanks with fresh water.


Connect blender, fracturing pumpers, manifold truck and fracturing tanks.


While start the fracturing pumps for circulation, test the wellhead to a pressure of 50MPa.开泵循环管线,井口试压50洮帕。

Open the casing valve and producing valve to displace prepad under low pressure.开套管,生产闸门,低压替前垫液。

Don’t apply too great pressure while displacing prepad.


As the formation has been broken down, continue to inject fracturing fluid to extend fractures.已压开地层,继续注压裂液延伸裂缝。

Inject perforation balls now!现有开始投球封炮眼。

Stop injecting perforation balls!停止投球。

Inject the sand-carrier and add the proppants.注入携砂液并加砂。

Add more proppants because the sand concentration is low.


As sand plug occurs, stop adding proppants and circulate them out.


Since sand plug has been removed, continue to add proppant.


Stop pumping, shut in the well for one hour to allow pressure equalizing and the fracture to heal.停泵,关井1小时使压力扩散,裂缝弥合。

Flow back the fracturing fluid a controlled rate.控制放喷返排压裂液。

Run the wireline to determine the sand level in the wellbore.


Remove the fracturing wellhead and install the production wellhead.


Has the production wellhead been installed.生产井口装好了吗?

Install the stripper device on the spool.大四通上装封井器。

Connect the hose and swivel and fasten the  safety link securely.


Run the tubing string slowly for and washing, avoid building pressure of pump.慢下油砂管柱,防止憋泵。

Don’t run the tubing string for sand washing too quickly!


Prepare a pair of union and a set of chiksan.准备油壬,活动弯头各一副。

Use releasing spear or releasing collar to fish the tubing.


Detect the top of fish. Washing the sand out at the top of fish and remove it out of the well.探鱼顶。冲洗鱼顶泥砂返出井口。


1.        Carry out drilling operation in accordance with the drilling program. 按钻井程序进行钻井作业。

2.        Prepare bell nipple. 准备‘喇叭口’。

3.        Make up 2 joints of drill pipe. 接两根钻杆。

4.        Break out this connection. 卸开该接头。

5.        Run hole opener to sea bed. 下扩眼器到海底。

6.        Mix gel fluid for drilling conductor hole. 为钻导管配制高粘度泥浆。

7.        Make up bottom hole assembly (BHA). 组合下部钻具。

8.        Check and reset crown-saver on every tour. 每个班都要检查并重新调整天车方碰装置。

9.        Number stands on trip out and in. 起下钻给立柱编号。

10.     Pick up BHA and run to seafloor. 将下部钻具下到海底。

11.     Pick up stands. 接立柱。

12.     Don’t drill faster than 15 minutes for 1 stand. 钻进速度别超过15分钟1个立柱。

13.     Drop TOTCO. 投(陶特)测斜仪。

14.     Fish TOTCO with overshot .用打捞筒捞起测斜仪。

15.     Resume drilling to T.D. 继续钻进到总井深。

16.     Circulate 15 minutes. 循环15分钟。

17.     Run in hole. 下钻。

18.     Put out of hole. 起钻。

19.     Make an inventory of all ring gaskets. 开一个所有垫圈的清单。

20.     Use spinning tong. 是用气动扳手。

21.     Operate the air winch. 是用气动绞车。

22.     Lay down 57 joints of 5” drill pipe. 57 5” 钻杆。

23.     Pick up drill stem test tool. 提起钻柱测试工具。

24.     Circulate mud for 2 hours. 循环泥浆2 个小时。

25.     Move string during circulation. 再循环时注意活动钻具。

26.     Circulate hole clean. 循环清洗井眼。

27.     Circulate bottoms up. 循环泥浆几周。

28.     Fill up every 5 stands. 5柱灌一次泥浆。

29.     Check mud weight every 15 minutes.15分钟检查一次泥浆比重。

30.     Reverse out excess cement. 反循环提出多余的水泥浆。

31.     Change (replace) old mud by new mud. 用新的泥浆替出旧的泥浆。

32.     Stop drilling. 停止钻时。

33.     Drilling ahead. 钻进。

34.     Pull out of hole bit. 起出钻头。

35.     Change bit. 换钻头。

36.     Run the wear bushing. 下抗磨补芯。

37.     The bit thread type is regular pin. 钻头丝扣是正规公扣。

38.     What’s the make-up torque? 上扣的扭矩要多大?

39.     Run in 9” collar. 9” 钻铤。

40.     The cathead can’t give enough torque. 猫头的力量不够。

41.     Connect crossover sub. 接上配合接头。

42.     The tong angle is too small. 大钳的角度太小。

43.     Sotp circulating. 停止循环泥浆。

44.     Break out the stand. 卸立柱。

45.     Set the single into the mouse-hole. 把这个单根放进鼠洞。

46.     Can we break out the pipe with rotary table 可以用转盘卸扣吗?

47.     No! Break it out with tongs. 不行!要用大钳卸扣。

48.     Spin it out with the air spanner. 用气动扳手卸扣。

49.     Put the pipe wiper on the string. 装上钻杆刮泥器。

50.     Don’t set this stand back. 这柱钻杆不要放在钻杆盒上。

51.     Make up the lift sub. 接好提升短节。

52.     Secure the safety clamp. 上好安全卡瓦。

53.     The bit is nearing the shoe. 钻头快到套管鞋了。

54.     Slow down the running speed. 放慢下放速度。

55.     This is the undergauged interval. 这是缩径井段

56.     This is the drilling program. 这是钻井设计书。

57.     How much weight on bit is required? 要加多少钻压?

58.     Keep the rotary speed at 120-140 RPM. 转速保持120-140/分。

59.     Keep the flow rate 3000 LPM. 保持排量 3000 /分。

60.     The pump pressure is too high. 泵压太高了。

61.     Don’t ream the hole too fast. 划眼不要太快。

62.     Notice the rotary torque. 注意转盘扭矩的变化。

63.     The penetration rate is getting slower. 钻速变慢了。

64.     The bit is nearly worn out. 钻头快磨光了。

65.     Stop drilling at 2000 meters. 钻至2000 停钻。

66.     Circulate for one hour. 循环一个小时。

67.     The pump pressure has increased. 泵压升高了。

68.     One nozzle may be plugged. 可能有个水眼(喷嘴)堵了。

69.     What is the hook load? 悬重多少?

70.     What’s the pick-up weight? 上提悬重是多少?

71.     What’s the lowering weight? 下放悬重是多少?

72.     Run in HWDP. 下加重钻杆。

73.     A stabilizer is needed here.这里需要一个扶正器。

74.     This is a flexible sub. 这是挠性接头。

75.     This is the BHA log. 这是下部钻具组合记录。

76.     Record all outside and inside diameters. 记录好所有(入井工具)内外径。

77.     We need a short drill collar. 需要一根短钻铤。

78.     Pull the cat line. 拉猫头。

79.     Operate the break lever (break). 操作(扶)刹把。

80.     Stop the pumps. 停泵。

81.     Make a wiper trip. 通井。

82.     Retrieve wear bushing. 取出耐磨补芯。

83.     Bleed off pressure. ()放压(力)。

84.     Keep 5 wraps on the drum. 滚筒上留5 圈。

85.     Set slips. 座上卡瓦。

86.     If tight hole, repeat wiper trip. 如果井径紧,重复划眼。

87.     Setback bottom hole assembly. 将下部钻具立于钻杆盒内。

88.     Make sure all alarms are on. 确保所有警报信号都开着。

89.     Lay down TDS spinner. 拆下顶驱的旋扣器。

90.     Run in hole bit # 15 to bottom. 15 好钻头下钻到底。

91.     Run in hole to casing shoe. 下钻至套管鞋。

92.     Pick up same bit and BHA. 装行同样的钻头和钻具组合。

93.     Lay down 5” HW Drill pipe. 5” 的加重钻杆。

94.     Move string every 2 hours. 2个小时活动一次钻具。

95.     Keep area around shaker clean. 保持振动筛区域干净。

96.     Control trip gas. 控制起下钻气。

97.     Ream if needed. 如有必要进行划眼。

98.     Select the best penetration. 选择最佳的钻进速度。

99.     Fix the traveling assembly. 固定流动系统。

100.  Check power tongs and spinning rope are on drill floor. 检查动力钳和尾绳是否在钻台上。

101.  What is the weight on bit(WOB) 钻压是多少?

102.  What is the BHA of this well? 这口井的下部钻具如何组合?

103.  Drill out cement. 钻穿水泥。

104.  Drill out 20” casing shoe. 钻穿20” 套管鞋。

105.  Latch the elevator. 扣吊卡。

106.  Unlatch the elevator. 开吊卡。

107.  Set the slip. 放卡瓦。

108.  Adjust the crown-o-matic ( crown saver). 调整防碰天车。

109.  Lock the hook pin. 锁紧大沟销子。

110.  Check OD of stabilizers.检查扶正器的外径。

111.  Perform leak off test. 进行地层破裂(渗漏)试验。

112.  Connect kill and choke line. 接上压井和放喷管线。

113.  Reverse out the drill pipe. 反循环清洗钻杆。

114.  Make a short trip. 进行短起下钻。

115.  Change the cutters. 换割刀。

116.  Slug the pipe. 灌重泥浆。

117.  Drill the stand down.. 钻完立柱。

118.  Startrunthe shale shaker. 开振动筛。

119.  Start the desanders. 开除砂器。

120.  Start the desilters. 开除泥器。

121.  Change it with a 40 mesh screen. 换成40 目筛布。

122.  Shut it off. 关掉。

123.  Pull it to the cat ramp. 把它拉到坡道上去。

124.  Make a fast connection. 接单根要快。

125.  Don’t dump the mud into the sea. 不要把泥浆放到海里。

126.  Disconnect it with a chain tong. 用链钳卸扣。

127.  Put a thread protector. 加一个(丝扣)护箍。

128.  Can we use the power slips? 可以用动力卡瓦吗?

下套管与固井(Casing and cementing

129.  Run in hole to bottom for wiper trip. 下钻通井。

130.  This is the casing program. 这是套管程序。

131.  Prepare for running casing. 准备下套管。

132.  Make everything ready for running 7” casing. 做好下7” 套管的准备。

133.  Make cementing job. 固井。

134.  Displace cementing with mud pump. 用泥浆泵替水泥浆。

135.  Set cement plug from 2940 to 2790m. 29402790井段打水泥塞。

136.  Pick up cementing head. 接水泥头。

137.  Cement samples are hard. 水泥样已凝固。

138.  Pump in 3 cubic meters of spacer. 注隔离液3方。

139.  Pump down the plug. 泵压(胶)塞。

140.  Wait on cement.  候凝。

141.  The guide shoe will be connected. 接引鞋。

142.  Connect the float collar. 接浮箍。

143.  Connect the air line to the casing stabbing board. 接好套管扶正台的气管线。

144.  Run casing with the 350T slip elevator. 350吨卡瓦式吊卡下套管。

145.  Clean and dry 20” casing threads with rags. 清洁并擦干20” 套管丝扣。

146.  Where is the rabbit for drifting the casing? 套管通径规在哪?

拖航、抛锚、定位 Rig Move, Anchoring and Positioning

147.  What is our position now?  我们现在的船位在哪里?

148.  What’s the moving speed now? / What is the towing speed?  拖航速度是多少?

149.  The speed is about 4 knots. 船速是4 节左右。

150.  Which one is the main tug? 主拖船是那条。

151.  The main tug is Nanhai 205. 主拖船是南海205

152.  Which one is chase boat? 护航船是哪一条?

153.  How much is the horse power? 有多大马力?

154.  Sheithas 6000 HPhorse power. 6000马力。

155.  Move the rig off location 50 feet.将平台移开50英尺。

156.  We are ready to drop the anchors. 已经做好抛锚准备了吗?

157.  Secure all the movable equipment. 固定各种活动设备。

158.  Preload. (自动式)压载。

159.  Ballast. (半潜式)压载。

160.  Put the preload water into the tank. 向压载舱里灌压载水。

161.  We need 5500 tons of preload water. 需要5500吨压载水。

162.  Shall we preload right now? 马上开始压载。

163.  Drain the water off. 防水。

164.  The rig is overloaded. 平台已超载。

165.  Jack up (jack down) the rig. /浆船。

166.  The draft is 3.5 meters. 船体吃水3.5

167.  The jetting pressure is 100 psi.  冲桩压力是100psi

168.  Penetrate the legs.  插桩。

169.  How much penetration do we have? (插桩)入泥多深了?

170.  No. 1 and No.2 legs indicate 10 meters. 12 号桩插入10

171.  Fix the upper and lower wedges. 固定上、下楔块。

172.  Pay out the anchor line. 放出锚缆绳。

173.  Skid the derrick. 移动井架。

174.  The rig is short of potable water now.  平台缺饮用水。

175.  Drop No.2 and No.3 anchors. 23号猫。

176.  Why has the main engine stopped 主机为什么停机?

177.  Unleash the drilling tools. 卸开钻具。

178.  Tight up. 绷紧(上紧)一点。

179.  Turn on the cooling water for the windlasses. 开猫机刹车冷却水。

180.  Retrieve the No.1 to No.8 anchors. 1# --8# 猫。

181.  Check the paint marks at the anchor winches. 检查猫机上的油漆记号。

182.  Prepare for a location move. 准备好移井位。

183.  Commence anchor handling. 开始起锚(抛锚)。

184.  Secure all equipment stored on deck. 固定好所有存放在甲板上的设备。

185.  Carry out stability and load calculatons. 做稳定和载荷试验。

186.  Pass pendant line, shackle and buoy to anchor handling vessel. 将抛锚短索、卸扣浮标吊给起锚船。

187.  Lower the windward anchor to seafloor. 抛上风猫到海底。

188.  Pick up the leeward anchor first. 先起下风猫。

189.  Take anchor chaser back to rig. 将捞/抛锚环送回平台。

190.  Hook up towing lines to tug boat. 将拖缆联接到拖轮。

191.  Sound fog signal for two seconds every twenty seconds. 发大雾信号,每20 分钟响两秒。

打捞 Fishing

192.  The bit cutters have been lost in the hole. 牙轮落井。

193.  Run in the reverse-circulation basket. 下反循凡打捞篮。

194.  There is a lot of junk in the hole.井下有很多落物。

195.  The fish is 235.46 meters. 落鱼长度235.46

196.  The fish top is at 2478.34 meters long. 预定位置2478.34

197.  Stop drilling for coring. 停钻准备取芯。

198.  Make up core bit. 接取芯钻头。

199.  What type of core bit is it? 这是什么型号的取芯钻头?

200.  Run in a diamond core bit. 下金刚石取芯钻头。

201.  Let’s drop the ball for coring.  可以头球取芯了。

202.  The core has been broken off. 岩芯断了。

203.  Put the core in the boxes. 把岩芯装进岩芯盒里。

204.  Don’t break suddenly. 不要猛刹车。

205.  Take out the core. 岩芯出筒。

206.  How long is the core? 岩芯多长?

207.  The core recovery is 98%. 岩芯收获率是98%

208.  Run in the core barrel again. 继续下取芯筒(岩芯筒)。

209.  Run in hole core barrel. 下取芯筒。

210.  Drop ball. 投钢球。

211.  Recover core. 取出岩芯。

212.  Use same parameters as for core 1#. 使用与1# 取芯同样的参数。

213.  The down-hole problems are very complicated. 惊吓情况很复杂。

214.  The hole is tight. 遇阻了。

215.  Overpull while tripping out. 起钻遇卡 (overpull—超拉力)

216.  The formation is unstagble. 地层不稳定。

217.  The well caving is severe. 井壁垮塌严重。

218.  There are many return cutting. 返出的岩硝特别多。

219.  The mud returns have decreased. 返出泥浆减少。

220.  The hole is enlarged. 井眼扩大了。

221.  The pipe’s stuck. 卡钻了。

222.  Pull up to 150 tons. 上提150 吨。

223.  Slack off to 50 tons. 下放50 吨。

224.  Ream down all the tight points. 在所有遇阻点进行划眼。

225.  The rotary table can’t rotate. 转盘转不动。

226.  Where is the sticking point? 卡点在哪里?

227.  Make a tensile test. 做拉伸试验。

228.  Back it off above the free point. 在卡点以上倒扣。

229.  Where is the back-off position? 脱扣的位置在那?

230.  Plug the well for side reacking. 打水泥侧钻。

异常井况与压井 Abnormal Well condition and Well control.

231.  The mud is gas cut. 泥浆有气侵。

232.  The pit level has lowered quickly.泥浆液面下降很快。

233.  The hole lost returns. 井口不返泥浆了。

234.  The returns are unstable. 返出泥浆量忽大忽小。

235.  Where’s the thief zone? 漏失层在哪里?

236.  Cut down the flow rate. 降低排量。

237.  Lower the mud density. 降低比重。

238.  Cut down the hydrostatic pressure.  减少净压。

239.  The gas smell is strong.  天然气味度很浓。

240.  There’s some trace of oil. 发现有油花。(trace—痕迹)

241.  The pump pressure is fluctuating. 泵压不稳。Fluctuate—波动

242.  It is a zone of abnormal pressure.这是异常压力层。

243.  The holewellis kicking! 井涌了!

244.  Shut in the BOP!  关闭防喷器!

245.  Sound the general alarm quickly! 快发出综合报警!

246.  the stand pipe pressure is 10kg/cm。立管压力10公斤/平方厘米。

247.  The casing pressure is 25kg./cm. 套压25公斤/平方厘米。

248.  Fill out the kill sheet. 填写压井记录表。

249.  Kill the well. 压井。

250.  There’s a combination of lost returns and the kick. 又喷又涌,情况复杂。

251.  Reverse the gas out of the hole. 反循环排气。

252.  What’s the lag time? 迟到时间是多少?

253.  The well is now stable. 现在井眼已经稳定。

防喷器与水下设备 BOP and Subsea Equipment

254.  Cut off the 30” conductor. 割掉30”隔水管。(conductor指自升式平台的隔水管)。

255.  Weld on the 30” bottom flange. 焊接30”法兰。

256.  Hoist and nipple up 30” diverter. 吊装30”转喷器。

257.  Change the 5” pipe rams to 3-1/2”rams. 把这个5”闸板焕成3-1/2”

258.  Install blind ram. 安装防喷器的盲板芯子。

259.  Check the seal ring of the conductor.  检查隔水管密封圈。

260.  Cut off the lifting eye of the conductor. 切割隔水管耳环。

261.  Test BOP. 测试防喷器。

262.  Change annular BOP packing. 更换万能防喷器芯子。

263.  Full pressure test the ram preventers.  对闸板防喷器进行全压试压。

264.  Test annular BOP at 2500psi. 万能防喷器试压至2500psi

265.  Check annular pressure. 检查环形空间压力。

266.  Confirm the angle of the guide base. 确定基板角度。

267.  The thread is covered with the quick-release protectors. 已戴好快卸护丝。

268.  Estabish the guide lines. 装导向绳。

269.  Connect the TGB running tool. 接临时导向基板送入工具。

270.  Land the TGB to sea. 下临时导向基板到海底。

271.  Retrieve the running tool. 退出送入工具。

272.  Run the BOP and risers. 下防喷器和隔水管。

273.  Pick up the marine riser. 吊出隔水管(riser—指半潜式平台的隔水管)。

274.  Pick up the slip joint. 起伸缩节。

275.  Adjust the riser tensioners. 调整隔水管张力。

276.  Function test the diverter system.对转喷器系统进行功能试验。

277.  Retrieve the pin connector. 取出销钉连接器。

278.  Move the BOP to the moonpool door.将防喷器移到圆井甲板的活动门上。

279.  Run the test plug. 下试压塞。

280.  Close the upper pipe ram. 关上部钻杆闸板防喷器。

281.  Open the kill line valve. 开压井管线阀。

282.  The compensation capacity is 400000 pounds. 补偿压力是400千磅。

283.  The locking load is 100000 pounds.锁紧负荷100千磅。

284.  Support the riser. 接隔水管支撑环。

285.  Remove the hose bundles. 卸下跨接软管。(hose bundle: 软管束)

286.  Assure the self-controlled rotation. 保证自动转动。

287.  Set the LMRP on the test stump. 将下部防喷器插入总成座放到试压桩上。

288.  Connect the flex joint to the riser. 连接隔水管与挠性接头。

289.  Land the BOP onto the well head. 座防喷器到井口头。

290.  Run the subsea TV for monitoring. 下水下电视观察。

291.  Remove all the riser running tools. 取出所有的隔水管送入工具。

292.  BOP carrier. 防喷器叉车。

293.  Lower the universal guide frame. 下放万能导向架。

294.  Paint mark the top 6 meters of 30” conductor white. 30”隔水管的顶部6处用白漆涂上记号。

295.  Check adequate length for guidelines. 检查导向绳的长度是否足够。

296.  Move temporary guide base(TGB)into moonpool. 将临时导向基板移到圆井甲板。

297.  Test pull to check connection. 试拉检查连接。

298.  Grease TGB and running tool as required. 按要求给临时导向基板及下入工具上黄油。

299.  Test fitTGB and running tool. 用下入工具试临时导向基板连接。

300.  Check for junk inside shoe joint. 检查浮鞋内有无落物。

301.  Pick for 30” conductor handing slings and shackles. 吊上下30”导管的索具和卸扣。

302.  Is slope indicator properly mounted? 水平仪是否装好?

303.  Ensure subsea TV is in good condition. 确保水下电视处于良好的状态。

304.  Place BOP stack on the test stump.将防喷器放在试压桩上。

305.  Check condition of all 30” casing connectors. 检查所有30” 套管接头的情况。

306.  Replace O-rings as required. 按需要、更换O型密封圈。

307.  attach slope indicator below camera position. 在摄像机下面装上水平仪。

308.  Inspect and repair diverter. 检查并修理转喷器。

309.  Prepare spud plate and wire-line to check water depth. 准备测探板和钢丝绳测量水深。

310.  Record all pressure test on a chart recorder. 用试压表记录试压记录。

311.  Visually inspect all sealing element. 目视检查所有密封件。

312.  Check and tighten all bolts. 加查并上紧所有螺栓。

313.  Bleed off surface accumulators. 地面管线排空气。

314.  Check for leaks. 检查有无泄漏。

315.  Lift BOP stack and replace wellhead connector AX ring. 吊起防喷器组并更换连接器AX密封圈。

316.  Function test wellhead. 对井口头进行功能试验。

317.  Fill kill and choke calves with seawater. 将压井阀和阻流阀注满海水。

318.  Pressure test to 500psi then bleed off test pressure. 试压到500psi然后放掉压力。

319.  Reduce hydraulic control manifold pressure to 5200kpa. 将液压控制管汇压力减小到5200千帕。

320.  Switch to alternate control pod. 将闸门关到倒控制面板。

321.  Guidelines are slacked off. 导向绳松了。

322.  Slack off drill pope and release running the tool. 放松钻杆并卸开下入工具。

323.  Run subsea TV to observe bit entering the TGB. 下水下电视观察钻头是否进入导向基板。

324.  Don’t rotate until hole opener passes through the TGB. 再扩眼器通过临时导向基板之前不要旋转。

325.  Position permanent guide base(PGB) below rotary table. 在转盘下安放永久导向基板。

326.  Monitor riser level via trip tank.用计量灌来控制隔水管内的液面。

327.  Pressure test to 5000psi. 试压5000psi.

328.  Pick up test mandril and place in BOP stack. 吊起试压防喷器芯子并装入防喷器组

安全与消防 Safety and Firefighting

329.  Get a work Permit before you can start the hot work. 办理作业许可证才能进行动火作业。

330.  Welding is not allowed. 不准动焊。

331.  Put on your (safety) helmet. 带上安全帽。

332.  It’s a high voltage area. 这是高压区。

333.  That’s against the rule. 这是违章作业。

334.  Don’t walk under the crane load. 不要再吊物下走动。

335.  The repairing is under way.  正在检修。

336.  Keep your hands clear! / keep you hands offDo not touch! 不要乱动(不要触摸)。

337.  Wear and secure your safety belt. 带上并系好安全带。

338.  Life jacket must he worn when working outboard or overhead. 舷外或高空作业要穿救生衣。

339.  Have your breathing apparatus near you.  保证附近有防毒面具。

340.  It’s a drill. 这是演习。

341.  It was a BOP drill. 这是防喷演习。

342.  Get in the lifeboat in order. 按顺序进入救生艇。

343.  Put on life jacket! 穿好救生衣。

344.  Abandon the vessel! 弃船!

345.  Sound the abandonment alarm! 发出弃船警报!

346.  Go to the helideck! 去飞机坪集合!

347.  Aboard the lifeboat. 登上救生艇。

348.  Aboard the supply boat to shore! 乘拖船上岸。

349.  Check life saving apparatus periodically. 定期检查救生设备。

350.  It’s for fire fighting. 这是消防用的。

351.  Start the fire pump. 启动消防泵。

352.  This rope is too small. 这绳子太细。

353.  It should be function tested. 需做功能测试。

354.  A warning notice should be set up.要挂警告牌。

355.  Do you have an emergency program (contingency plan)? 你们有没有应急计划?

356.  It must be ready in an emergency condition. 必须保持良好的应急状态。

357.  Will the typhoon bit our rig? 台风要袭击(经过)我们的平台吗?

358.  We will have to evacuate the rig. 我们要撤离平台。

359.  Personnel on board (POB). 在船总人数。

360.  Sound fire alarm. 发消防警报。

361.  This is a fire drill. 这是消防演习。

362.  Conduct-abandon ship drill. 举行弃船演习。

363.  Release the boat hooks. 释放救生吊钩。

364.  Board the life boat. 要挂警告牌。

365.  Remove the rust and paint with anti-corrosive primer. 除锈后上防锈底漆

366.  Three raft are located near life boat station port side. 在左舷救生艇站附近还有3个救生筏。

367.  Wear work vests when working below. 在圆井甲板面下面工作时必须穿工作救生衣。

368.  The station bills need to be updated. 应急部署表须更新。

369.  Check he expiry date for all foam extinguisher.检查所有泡沫灭火器的过期时间。

370.  Close all the water-tight doors. 关闭所有水密门。

371.  Safety procedure shall be followed at all the times. 在任何时间都应遵守安全程序。

372.  Anchor wires should have a Spelter type socket at anchor side. 抛锚绳靠锚的一端应使用锌压头。

373.  Colour code all the connection at the loading station. 在供给站管线接头处用颜色标明各管线。

374.  Verify that a high level alarm is installed on the sludge tank. 确认污水舱安装有高位警报。

375.  Don’t switch on during drilling operation. 钻井作业期间不能合闸。

376.  Provide two independent means to start the emergency generator engine. 应急发电机应有两套独立的启动方法。

377.  Have the boom pennant wires of port crane re-certified. 重新认证左舷吊车扒杆变幅绳。

378.  Clean the intemals of the emergency switchboard. 清洁应急配电盘内部。

直升机与供应商Helicopter and Supply Vessel

379.  Load out Contractor’s riser at Zhanjiang anchorage. 在湛江锚地把承包商的隔水管装上平台。

380.  Offload casing.(从供应船上)卸套管。

381.  Load (offload/unload)the boat. 装(卸)船。

382.  Get the food container loaded on the boat. 把食品集装箱装上船(拖轮)。

383.  The helicopter will land on rig soon. 直升机很快就要在平台上降落。

384.  Tell the base to get (send) a chopper here. 通知基地派飞机来。

385.  Helicopters are not allowed to land here. 直升机不能降落。

386.  Report the weather condition to the pilot. 向飞机驾驶员报天气。

387.  Inform the boat come to stand-by. 通知拖轮过来待命。

388.  Call the boat to come along port side. 通知拖轮过来靠左舷。

389.  We will take the personnel basket.我们乘坐吊篮。

检修 Repair and maintenance.

390.  Have an overall check. 进行全面检查。

391.  MPI the brake linkage system. 对刹车连接系统进行磁粉探伤。

392.  Demonstrate that the make-up cathead can pull 7000 Ibs. 证明上扣警备锚头能拉到7000

393.  Determine the origin of the air leak and rectify this. 找出漏气的地方并处理。

394.  Adjust the brake band equalizer beam properly. 适当调整刹带平衡梁。

395.  Note that the 3000 hour inspection on TDS is due. 注意顶驱的3000小时保养时间已到。

396.  Check sheave rope pocket wear with a 1-3/8”+1/32” template. 1-3/8”+1/32” 量规检查绳槽的磨损情况。

397.  Repair the handrails on the crown.修理天车的栏杆。

398.  Function test the anti-freefall brake on monthly basis. 每月对天车防碰装置进行功能试验。

399.  Get me a spanner, please. 请递给我一把扳手。

400.  Renew brake rim because of excessive wear. 更换磨损严重的刹车鼓。

401.  Clearly mark safe working load (SWL) on the air winch below the rig floor. 标明钻台地下气动绞车的安全工作负荷。

402.  Measure the master bushings for wear. 测量主补芯磨损情况。

403.  Have BOP ram opened up for internal inspection. 打开防喷器闸板进行内部检查。

404.  Install a ground cable on the triplex pump motor. 给三抽缸泵马达安装接地线。

405.  We need a 48”pipe wrench. 我们需要一把48” 的管钳。

406.  Strike it with a sledge hammer. 用大锤打。

407.  We want a triangle file. 需要一把三角锉刀。

408.  Tighten up the screw. 紧一下螺丝。

409.  Check it with a level. 用水平尺量一下。

410.  Put some engine oil. 抹点机油。

411.  Have it greased. 给它上黄油。

412.  Put out of hole test string. 取出测试管串。

413.  Check all the equipment. 检查所有设备。

414.  There’s something wrong with it. 有点毛病。

415.  Rig inspection will be performed in August. 船检安排在8月份。

416.  Maintain the hoisting system. 保养提升系统。

417.  Adjust the brake band. 调整绞车刹把。

418.  Change the oil in the rotary gear box (transmission). 更换转盘变速箱机油。

419.  Replace one water pump. 倒换一台冷却泵。

420.  It’s quick-discharge air valve. 这是快速放气阀。

421.  This clutch needs repair. 这台离合器需要修理。

422.  This tong needs replacing. 这把钳要换了。

423.  Slip 6 meters of the drilling line. 滑移大绳6

424.  Cut off 45 meters of the drilling line. 切割大绳45

425.  Check the pump liners and pistons.检查(泥浆)泵缸套和活塞。

426.  The piston has been washed. 活塞吃坏了。

427.  The supercharge pump doesn’t take in water. 灌注泵不上水。

428.  Regulate the relief valve. 调整安全阀。

429.  This part number is wrong. 这个配件号不对。

430.  The multi-pen recorder has some problem. 多笔记录仪坏了。

其他 Miscellaneous

431.  No smoking here. 此处严禁吸烟。

432.  Everything is OK. 一切准备就绪。

433.  Speed up please. 请快点。

434.  The geologist must be present. 地质人员必须在场。

435.  We have to wait on weather. 必须等候天气。

436.  There will be strong wind. 有强风。

437.  Give me a hand, please. 请帮一下忙。

438.  Do you understand? 明白吗?

439.  No way! 不行!

440.  Man overboard! 有人落水!

441.  Help! Help! 救命!

442.  Someone is injured. Medic! 有人受伤了,医生!

443.  Call for the medic. 叫医生。

444.  Get stretcher please. 拿担架来。

445.  No more than 4 persons. 不能超过4人。

446.  Drinking liquor is not allowed. 不许喝酒。

447.  Don’t overrun your equipment. 不能超负荷运转。

448.  Be careful at work. 工作时要小心。

449.  No joking here. 别开玩笑。

450.  Rig up for logging. 准备(安装设备)电测。

451.  What is the next step? 下一步怎么办?

452.  Get everything ready as soon as possible! 尽快做好一切准备!


一、            承包商人员 ( Contractor’s personnel):

1.       Rig manager 平台经理

2.       Equipment Supervisor 设备总监

3.       Materials Supervisor 材料监督

4.       Senior Toolpusher 高级队长

5.       Junior Toolpusher 值班队长

6.       Driller 司钻

7.       Sub Sea Engineer 水下工程师

8.       Assistant driller 副司钻

9.       Derrick man 井架工

10.   Floor man 钻工

11.   Barge Mastercaptain)船长

12.   First Mate (Barge Engineer) 大副

13.   Control Room Operator (CRO) 压载工

14.   Chief Engineer 轮机长

15.   Head of roustabout 甲板班长

16.   Crane Operator 吊车工

17.   Roustabout 甲板工

18.   Mechanic 机械师

19.   Electrician 电气师

20.   Repairman 修理工

21.   Welder 电焊工

22.   Radio Operator 电报员

23.   Warehouse Man (store keeper) 材料员

24.   Medic 医生

25.   Safety Supervisor 安全监督

26.   Interpreter (translator) 翻译

27.   Chief Steward 管事

28.   Cook 厨师

29.   Steward 厨工

30.   Laundry man 洗衣工

二、作业及服务公司人员(Operator’s Personnel and Service Company Personnel

1.       Drilling Superintendent 钻井监督

2.       Company man (Operator’s Representative) 公司代表

3.       Geologist 地质师

4.       Mud Logging engineer (mud logger) 泥浆录井工程师

5.       Sample Catcher 捞砂工

6.       Mud Engineer 泥浆工程师

7.       ROV Engineer 潜水工程师

8.       Cementer 固井工

9.       Testing Engineer 试油工程师

10.   Coring Engineer 取芯工程师

11.   Wireline logging Engineer 电测工程师


一、钻井设备(Drilling equipment

1.       Drawworks 绞车

2.       Rotary table 转盘

3.       Bushing 补芯

4.       Top driver system 顶驱

5.       Swivel 水龙头

6.       Crown block 天车

7.       Traveling block 游车

8.       Hook 大钩

9.       Derrick 井架

10.   Pipe Spinning wrench 钻杆气动扳手

11.   Ezy-torq 液压锚头

12.   Elmagco Brake 涡磁刹车

13.   Pipe handling Equipment 钻杆移动设备

14.   Iron roughneck 铁钻工

15.   Pipe Racking system 钻杆排放系统

16.   Drill string 钻柱

17.   Drilling sub 钻井短节

18.   Fishing tool 打捞工具

19.   Power tong 动力大钳

20.   Air winch (air tugger) 启动绞车

21.   Crown-o-Matic (Crown Saver) 防碰天车

二、泥浆系统(mud system

1.       mud pump 泥浆泵

2.       shale shaker 振动筛

3.       mud cleaner 泥浆清洁器

4.       desilter 除泥器

5.       desander 除砂器

6.       degasser 除气器

7.       centrifuge 离心机

8.       mud agitator 泥浆搅拌器

9.       mud mixing system 泥浆混合系统

10.   centrifugal pump 离心泵

11.   standpipe manifold 主管管汇

12.   rotary hose 水龙带

13.   bulk air system and tank 吹灰系统和灰罐

三、井控设备 well control equipment

1.       ram type preventer 闸板防喷器

2.       annular type preventer 万能防喷器

3.       BOP stack 防喷器组

4.       gate valves 闸阀

5.       choke and kill manifold 阻流压井管汇

6.       remotely operated panel 远程控制面板

7.       choke control panel 阻流控制面板

8.       BOP handling equipment 防喷器搬运设备

9.       diverter 转喷器

四、海事系统( Marine system)

1.       ballast system 压载系统

2.       bilge system 污水系统

3.       vent 通风(气)口

4.       air supply fan 供气扇

5.       mooring system 锚泊系统

6.       communication equipment 通讯设备

7.       jacking system 升降系统

8.       skidding system 井架移动系统

9.       windlass 锚机

10.   anchor

11.   pendant 短索

12.   buoy 浮标

13.   lifting and handling equipment 起吊和搬运设备

五、机房(Engine room

1.       diesel engine 柴油机

2.       emergency generator 应急发电机

3.       water maker ( desalinization unit)造淡水机

4.       air compressor 空气压缩机

5.       boiler 锅炉

6.       air-conditioning system 空调系统

7.       sea water service pump 海水供给系统

8.       piping system 管汇系统

9.       generator 发电机

10.   transformer 变压器

11.   DC motor 直流马达

12.   AC motor 交流马达

六、安全设备(safety equipment

1.       fire control system 消防控制系统

2.       fire detection system 火情探测系统

3.       CO2 system 二氧化碳系统

4.       fixed fire extinguishing system 固定消防系统

5.       portable extinguisher 移动灭火器

6.       fire-fighting equipment 消防设备

7.       foam system 泡沫(灭火)系统

8.       lifeboat 救生艇

9.       (inflatable) life raft (气涨式)救生筏

10.   davit 吊艇架

11.   escape routes  逃生路线

12.   breathing apparatus (breather) 呼吸器

13.   life jacket (lift vest) 救生衣

14.   life buoy 救生圈

15.   gas detection system 气体探测系统

16.   Helicopter Facility 直升机设施

17.   Sick-bay (Hospital) 医务室

18.   pollution control 防污控制


1.       cementing unit 固井装置

2.       well testing equipment 试油设备

3.       mud logging unit 泥浆录井房

4.       wire logging unit 电测装置

5.       ROV 潜水器

6.       meter (metre) m-

7.       foot (feet) 英尺

8.       Inch 英寸

9.       supply boat (supply vessel) 供应船

10.   standby boat 值班船

11.   day (night) shift 白(夜)班

12.   crew change 倒班

13.   Crew 船员、(作业)队员、井队

14.   position 岗位

15.   draft (draught) 吃水

16.   air gap 空气间隙、气隙

17.   penetration (桩腿插桩)入泥

18.   evacuation撤离

19.   rig (drilling rig) 钻机


1.       bow 船首

2.       stern 船尾

3.       forward (FWD) / fore 船首的

4.       aft 船尾的

5.       port 左舷

6.       starboard ( STBD) 右舷

7.       upper deck 上部甲板

8.       main deck 主甲板

9.       quarters (living quarters/accommodation area) 生活区

10.   drill floor (rig floor) 钻台

11.   bridge (pilot house / steer-wheel house) 驾驶室

12.   control room 控制室

13.   helideck  直升机甲板

14.   cementing unit room 固井泵房

15.   air compressor room 空气压缩机房

16.   BOP control room  BOP控制房

17.   radio room 报(电台)房

18.   engine room 机房

19.   thruster room 推进器房

20.   mud pump room 泵房

21.   warehouse (store) 材料房

22.   print room (paint locker) 油漆房

23.   leg 桩腿

24.   jacking house 升降室

25.   column 立柱

26.   sack storage are 散装材料存储区

27.   mud pit 泥浆池

28.   cellar deck 圆井甲板

29.   riser tack area 隔水管排放区

30.   pipe rack area 钻杆排放区

31.   pipe slide 滑道

32.   ramp 坡道

33.   spud tank 桩脚箱

34.   pontoon 浮箱

35.   moonpool 月池/圆井甲板

36.   pump room 泵房/(半潜式平台)压载舱

37.   shale shaker house 振动筛房

38.   coffee room 咖啡室

39.   rig office 平台办公室

40.   mess(dining) room 餐厅

41.   recreation room 娱乐室

42.   TV room 电视房

43.   change room 工衣房

44.   kitchen 厨房


1.       drill pipe 钻杆

2.       drill collar 钻铤

3.       heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆

4.       elevator 吊卡

5.       tong 大钳

6.       make-up tong 上扣大钳

7.       break-out tong 卸扣大钳

8.       mud box 泥浆防喷盒

9.       casing stabbing board 套管扶正器

10.   slips 卡瓦

11.   spider 卡盘

12.   mouse hole 小鼠洞

13.   Kelly spinner 方钻杆旋转器

14.   Kelly cock 方钻杆阀

15.   chain tong 链钳

16.   tubing 油管

17.   casing 套管

18.   drill string 钻柱

19.   jar (drilling jar) 振击器

20.   right hand thread 正口

21.   stabilizer 扶正器

22.   rabbit 通管器

23.   liner 尾管

24.   conductor 导管

25.   thread protector 护丝

26.   stand 立柱

27.   single (钻具)单根

28.   joint (钻具)单

29.   bend 弯头

30.   sub 短节

31.   pup joint 短钻杆

32.   connector 接头

33.   bit 钻头

34.   bit breaker 钻头盒

35.   box 母扣

36.   pin 公扣

37.   hole opener 开眼钻头

38.   reamer 扩眼钻头

39.   overshot 打捞筒

40.   junk basket 打捞篮

41.   junk mill 平头磨鞋

42.   spear 打捞矛

43.   fishing tap 打捞公锥

44.   cross over subXO sub 转换接头

45.   bottom hole assembly (BHA) 下部组具组合

附录五、 材料和工具

1.       steel

2.       Iron

3.       wood

4.       chemicals 化学品

5.       barite 重晶石

6.       cement 水泥

7.       potable water 淡水

8.       drilling water 钻井水

9.       sea water 海水

10.   fuel 柴油

11.   helifuel 飞机燃油

12.   lubricant(lube/lube oil) 润滑油

13.   grease 黄油

14.   thread dope 丝扣油

15.   ballast water 压载水

16.   bilge water 舱底水

17.   gasoline 汽油

18.   mud 泥浆

19.   bentonite 般土

20.   additive 添加剂

21.   caustic soda 烧碱

22.   weight material 加重材料

23.   thinner 稀释剂

24.   Oxygen氧气

25.   Hydrogen 氢气

26.   Hydrogen Sulphide 二氧化硫

27.   Acetylene 乙炔

28.   Compressed air 压缩空气

29.   Hydraulic fluid 液压油

30.   spanner 扳手

31.   screw driver 螺丝刀

32.   multi-meter 万用表

33.   welding machine 电焊机

34.   bar 撬杠

35.   shackle 卸扣

36.   sling (钢丝)绳套

37.   container 集装箱

附录六、 常用缩写形式

1.       BHAbottom hole assembly 下部钻具组合

2.       DP: drill pipe 钻杆

3.       DC: drill collar 钻铤

4.       HWDP: heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆

5.       BOP: blow out preventer 防喷器

6.       TD: total depth 总深

7.       TCD: true vertival depth (定向井)垂直井深

8.       SCR: silicon controlled rectifier 可控硅

9.       OD: outside diameter 外径

10.   ID: inside diameter 内径

11.   BBL: barrel

12.   LB: libra=pound 重量单位

13.   PSI: pound per inch

14.   GAL: gallon 加仑

15.   POOH: pull out of hole 起钻

16.   RIH: run in hole 下钻

17.   WOW: wait on weather 等候天气

18.   WOC: wait on cement 候凝

19.   WOB: weight on bit 钻压

20.   JU: jackup 自升式

21.   SEMI: semi submersible 半潜式(钻井船)

22.   LPM: liter per minute /分钟

23.   KN: knot

24.   SWL: safe working load 安全工作载荷

25.   API: American Petroleum Institute 美国石油协会

26.   IADC: International Association of Drilling Contractors 国际钻井承包商协会

27.   MPI: Magnetic Particle Inspection 磁粉探伤






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